OK, so on with it. I sum up everything in this edition of "Don from the Mat". But you know me (sorry I have had that song stuck in my head ALL day... you know me O.P.P (you're welcome! lol))
Enough of that, Focus is kinda the theme of this one. We all have it and we all lose it from time to time. Since I started DDPYoga, (almost 2 years ago). I have been more consistent with this than anything else I have done for me. And for me that is a major accomplishment, doing stuff for me.
I'm sure there are others out there that are similar to me, we have to give ourselves permission to do something for ourselves. Well with this there is more to it. I have found that by doing something for me I am able to give back and it turns out that I am doing it for others, indirectly. But that is where sometimes we lose a bit of our own focus.
Now I haven't take "a break", or "fell off the wagon". This is my life and what I do, I do to better me and better the world around me. I know that I had slowed down a bit from where I was, and the DDPYoga Retreat 2014 was the kick I needed to take it to a new level. Sure I am still making progress, and sure I slipped up a bit over the holidays this year, and I have since gotten rid of that slip up. But that took extra work that I could have spent pushing towards my goal. Now I did not agonize over the slip, I buckled down and took care of business....me!
So Know that the only one that can hold you back or prevent you from getting to where you want, or need to be is YOU.
Build your foundation, choose where you are going and decide that YOU WILL get there.
There is No STOPPING....
Me / YOU / US
Make this and EVERYDAY