From My FB status:
Which inturn I do the same thing on Twitter (just in 140 characters)Our lives are not about impressing someone else, or being better than each other...What we need to remember is that we continually work on being better than we were, everyday. If we do that then we WILL leave an impression on someone else along the way.Live your Life, Believe in YOU, and most importantly "Own YOUR Life"
Remember to continually work on being better than you were. That will leave an impression on someone along the way. #BeABetterU w @DDPYogaSo what am I rambling about this time. Well, like most things it really isn't that complicated, we (me included) like to over think, over analyze, over complicate most things in our lives. And we need to remember in life we are not trying to impress others... we need to focus on what we need to do and then the world around us will get better. If we would pay more attention to what we are doing and stop making excuses then we could... "Be a Better Person".
Our health. Sure there are somethings that will happen, sickness, injury, etc. But if we take responsibility for what we are doing (or not doing) to ourselves, and then do something to correct it then we can become better than we were yesterday. Again the choice is ours. And to think "it's too late" well your still breathing so it's NEVER to late. And remember.... "it's NOT about being skinny... IT IS about being HEALTHY!"
Our lives. Everything is connected, if you start working on one side of your life then guess what, the rest will start to take shape as well, but again the choice is ours.
We are all given the same gift, "The gift of LIFE". There are no guarantees that come with it, but there are responsibilities. And we all need to live up to the life we have been given.
So it's up to you... DO or don't... there is NO try...
Every Moment, Every Day!
Have a GREAT Day!
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