Monday, September 24, 2012

Seeing thru new eyes

Something I noticed today as I was traveling.  I stopped and had lunch with one of the guys in Knoxville at Wendy's.   And I ended up people watching as I picked thru my salad, yep, one of my old reliable stops while traveling, I had a salad.  But that was not what I noticed... The thing that amazed me was how people sat there and shoved food in.  Not looking not enjoying just engulfing.  It was everywhere, and just a month ago, I know I was doing the same thing when I ate.  
Then I met another one of the guys in Chattanooga at Sams Club.  His family met us there and they decided to have dinner there.  Now I am not judging at all, it's not my place, a month ago I would have enjoyed the same.  But after 24 days of eating differently, Almost clean, but 100% dairy free and almost 100% gluten free.  Looking at the oversized greasy pizza dripping in grease and cheese, and the oversized hotdogs, that people all sizes where jamming in their mouths I was in shock.  I had never really looked or should I say really seen how people eat, and I know I was one that was doing the same thing.
But while everyone was eating, I caught myself talking the whole time about DDPYoga and my journey and the little that I have learned thus far to the wife.  I was getting very emotional about DDPYoga, I didn't make any apologies and she was genuinely interested so tonight I will send them the links for them to check it out for themselves.  But the thing I learned tonight was where I was just a short time ago.  And where I will never go back to.
As I told my coworkers wife, I feel clean and bright, it is the only way I could describe how I feel since making the change in my life just a short 24 days ago.
Dairy free, gluten free, and full of DDPYoga energy!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Story and how I got to DDPYoga

This blog I originally wrote for myself and to share with other "TEAM DDPYoga" members.  But I have been thinking about this a lot for the last several days.  This does not need to be hidden away for "members only", I need to share this with whomever would want to read it.  
This blog of "Owning it" is all about me "Owning My Life", and if others can take charge after they have let things slip away, then there is no reason I can't take charge again.  And there is no reason anyone can't take charge and "Own Your Life" again.

My story and how I got to DDPYoga

So this is my story, may be similar to others and it may not be.

I can probably blame why I am in the shape I am in on many different events that have happened in my life, but I won't do that because I have to "Own My Life" and own what I have done to myself.  I have no one to blame for letting myself get to where I am but me.  So here is how I got here, and with DDPYoga I will get back to me.

I spent 10+ years in the Navy, and I made the decision to get out in 1998, at which time I was in pretty good shape as the last 4 years in the Navy I had the privilege to work with the Navy SEALs.  And because of them I learned how to work out and do things I would have never dreamed of.  After I got out of the Navy I moved to Tennessee and began life as a civilian.  For those who have never experienced that transition, it can be a pretty big culture shock.

I worked my first year and a half in a job, and after that I found my career that I am in now.  But that career took its toll on me as I focused on that exclusively.  The days went by and I drove many miles as my office was my car.  I would eat in my car, sometimes 3 meals a day out of a bag via a drive thru.  I did work out from time to time but nowhere near what I had done when in the Navy.

Now I jump 10 years forward to 2008, All my hard work paid off and I had worked my way up and got the promotion I was wanting.  I became a supervisor, and I no longer had to live my life behind the wheel of my car.  But 3 years earlier I had also gone thru a break up of a relationship that I had been in for 5 years.  So I poured myself into my work, and worked to be the best I could in turn working with my team to make sure we were the best, most efficient district in the country.  The whole time working from my office in my home.  The days would just fly by and I would start at 7am and before I knew it, it was 8 or 9pm.  I would be mentally exhausted and I would go to bed.  But I would go out and take my dog for walks, as I had gotten Sipe (my Boxer) once I bought my home.

So I thought I had "My master plan" all figured out, I got the promotion, I moved out the apartment life and bought my home, gotten my dog, all I needed was to get the motorcycle and girl, whichever came first, I was fine with.

But along the way I was having to buy new cloths because the old ones were worn and tight, and I kept having to by another size up, then before I knew it I was only able to find cloths in the "Big & Tall" places.  I hated going to the store so I started ordering cloths on line, and that took the anxiety away, so in my mind it was ok.  I am a visual person, probably from my trade as a photographer/ graphics person.  So I am always behind the camera even during family events, never in any pictures cause I would always take the pictures.  And you never really see yourself in the mirror as it is very deceiving because you look at yourself everyday and don't really see what you have become.

Then back in August 2010 I started having major pains in my abdomen, which landed me in the hospital, and they said it was diverticulitis, they treated me for about 2 months, and then in February 2011, I ended up with Bronchitis and pneumonia at the same time, which entailed another hospital stay, things were falling apart.   After all that I thought I had been through the worst of it. I joined a couple of "Meet Up" groups, I was feeling better and thought now is the time to get the motorcycle and keep moving forward.  In April I got my bike and started riding.  Work was good and I really enjoyed riding.  Then one Saturday afternoon in November 2011 I was out with Sipe (my dog) and we were playing ball, and I went to throw the ball and I felt something give in my shoulder. and I knew something wasn't right.  I went to the Doc and ended up at the Ortho Doc, the cortisone did nothing, he did an MRI and found out I had a "SLAP tear in my shoulder and a partially torn bicep.  December 2011 I had surgery on my shoulder to repair the mess and then the recovery began.  More sitting doing nothing, pain pills and snacks.

So by June 2012 my shoulder was feeling much better, and I saw a picture of myself on my fancy new bike, saw that my cloths did not fit like they use to, so I bought a couple more.   We all know the trick with shirts that are too tight, you just stretch them out a bit and you are good to go.  Then I saw a couple more pictures that a friend had taken of me at a party I went to, I didn't know she had taken them cause I am always careful not to be in pictures.  Those along with the picture of me on my bike, that was it!  I had seen what I had done to myself.  I knew something had to change, I had become a hermit in my home, I was embarrassed, and did not feel comfortable around others.  Which is totally opposite of my personality, I am by nature a people person, but between my work, and the illnesses, I had hidden myself away and convinced myself that everything was ok because I was interacting with everyone via the computer.

I started to feel desperate, I looked into possibilities with my insurance on different programs.  I had even considered surgery, as I was bigger than I had ever been...388.  I knew I had to do something.

I started my research, as I have to research everything, looking into all the options.  I have had gym memberships in the past, and that worked for the first month or two, and then I would find an excuse or something would get in the way.  I have never really over eaten, as I always have been about some sort of portion control, but doing nothing and eating junk and drinking what I want, as a single guy does, well we all know what happens then.  I felt like a balloon.

One day in July I came across the "Never, Ever give up" video of Arthur.  Then started researching DDPYoga.  I checked out the web site, and looked at other videos, and thought can I really afford this.  Then I found the DDPYoga Facebook page and thought why not try and send a message to ask some questions and see if I would even get a reply.  So on July 19th I messaged DDPYoga;

So I am on the fence between trying DDPyoga, P90x, a gym membership, or mma cardio kickboxing. I've been a big fan of yours and I have looked at the videos, and your web site, along with the others.
I know I am well beyond where I have ever been in my life (388), and it is time for me to do something about it, as I have been stagnant for the last 6 years, for one reason or another. But I know I can't keep going down the path I am on, especially at 43. I am not where I want to be physically, which has effected my personal life, well squashed it. Since I know you can't be happy with someone else unless your happy with yourself. And right now I am pissed at myself for letting it get this far out of balance.
Why am I messaging you? Not sure but I figured you have been thru enough you may be able to make a suggestion.
Thanks for takin the time to read this.

And here was the reply:

one thing I will say for DDPYOGA is we have the BEST support team in the world at they are there to support and encourage you along your journey to OWN YOUR LIFE. you do not just purchase another product, you become part of our FAMILY

Something in that short reply resonated with me.  I would be a part of something.  Not just going it alone.  "Own Your Life" is what I wanted and needed to do.   But I still didn't pull the trigger just yet, it took a couple of more days for me to decide if this was something that I could or wanted to try.  July 29th I decided  I couldn't afford NOT to do this, I placed my order.  I received my DVD's sometime in early August and me being me I had to read everything from cover to cover twice.  I poked around the Team DDPYoga page and read some more.  Started trying the "Diamond Dozen", and thought I can do this.  If all of these others can do this then there is no reason I cannot do this.

So I decided that I was going to go "all in" on September 1, no more excuses.  That was going to be the day that I was committing to taking back my life and "Owning It".  I found the 30 day challenge group on FB and knew right then I had accountability.  Not to anyone else but to myself.  I pulled down the pictures on a wall in the living room, and hung up a oversized calendar, and the DDPYoga poster under that.  And thus began my Journey back to me.

Now I could stop there, but as an added blessing, yes I said blessing, I saw that DDP was coming to Nashville, my town, where I live.  I thought there is no way I can miss this opportunity.  How many people start this and within the first 30 days get to work out with the man who set this whole program up.  I immediately signed up for that.  Put in the work for the first 15 days so I could be ready when DDP got to town.  So I had another goal to work towards.  I jumped in, working out twice a day, began eating clean & dairy free.  And the morning of the workout I decided to jump on the scale, just out of curiosity, and to my surprise I was down 12.2 lbs, in 15 days.  Now I know a lot of that was from the sudden change in lifestyle.  But I feel better and I am moving forward. 

I know how I am, I am a goal oriented person, like many others, that needs to be a part of something and to have something to work towards.  I have many goals , they are no longer dreams.  These are goals that are obtainable as long as I put in the work, and stay focused.  But this is not just about me, this is much bigger than just me.  My thoughts are if DDP has changed lives, and Arthur has changed lives by putting themselves out there, then it is my responsibility to "pay it forward" and share with others how my life is changing and will continue to change with DDPYoga.

This is just the beginning I know, but it is important to me to journal where I came from to know where I am going.  And I know that I am not on this journey alone!
Next stop Mexico July 10, 2013...