Friday, July 25, 2014

Focus on where YOU are going

Yep another blog post and another Video blog!  I know it amazes me too, it does get easier and more comfortable the more you do it.  Kinda like DDPYoga, the more you do the easier it gets, and the more you want to do.

OK, so on with it.  I sum up everything in this edition of "Don from the Mat".  But you know me (sorry I have had that song stuck in my head ALL day... you know me O.P.P (you're welcome! lol))

Enough of that, Focus is kinda the theme of this one.  We all have it and we all lose it from time to time.  Since I started DDPYoga, (almost 2 years ago).  I have been more consistent with this than anything else I have done for me.  And for me that is a major accomplishment, doing stuff for me.

I'm sure there are others out there that are similar to me, we have to give ourselves permission to do something for ourselves.  Well with this there is more to it.  I have found that by doing something for me I am able to give back and it turns out that I am doing it for others, indirectly.  But that is where sometimes we lose a bit of our own focus.

Now I haven't take "a break", or "fell off the wagon".  This is my life and what I do, I do to better me and better the world around me.  I know that I had slowed down a bit from where I was, and the DDPYoga Retreat 2014 was the kick I needed to take it to a new level.  Sure I am still making progress, and sure I slipped up a bit over the holidays this year, and I have since gotten rid of that slip up.  But that took extra work that I could have spent pushing towards my goal.  Now I did not agonize over the slip, I buckled down and took care of!

Enough of that, I know where I was, I recognize, and accept what I did, and I have learned from it.  But now it is time to "Focus on where I am going" and not worry about where I've been.  Everyday is a new opportunity, a new challenge, a new chance to do something different, to make a difference.  I remind myself everyday that I can, and I WILL.  We all CAN, it just depends on what we do.

So Know that the only one that can hold you back or prevent you from getting to where you want, or need to be is YOU.

Build your foundation, choose where you are going and decide that YOU WILL get there.

There is No STOPPING....
Me / YOU / US

Make this and EVERYDAY

Friday, July 18, 2014

Don's 2014 DDPYoga Retreat Recap (w/ videos)

This year I have a double version.  I did what I am calling a "docUjourney" and then my final recap the last morning at the retreat. (Video's are at the bottom of this post)

For me the DDPYoga Retreat is so much more than a lot of DDPYoga and having a good time.  It is a chance to renew myself, and an opportunity to take a lil time to really be able to reflect on where I am and where I am going.

Now that's not to say I didn't have an amazing time, and worked hard, because I did.  We all work really hard and push and help each other along every step of the way.  We all find that we CAN do so much more than we thought we could.  Not just in our DDPYoga, but in life in general.  Yes I have said it before, everything in life is connected and we are brought to different points in our lives for a reason.  What we do with them is up to us.

So I have 2 video's this year, the first is the "docUjourney", just a lil glimpse of each day and some snippets of each day, it's about 20 minutes long, but you get to see El Dorado Resort, and get to see some of the fun we have there.  The second is my DDPYoga retreat wrap up.  This years seems like I am sad, but it is not that I am sad about life, because I'm not.  I had spent some time that last morning reflecting, and it was more emotion from the week, and hard to believe that it was coming to an end.  Like I had said previously, this retreat is a lot of fun, but it is also a time to reflect and gives me that extra push forward that I need from time to time.

I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Diamond Dallas Page and everyone with DDPYoga for all the work they do each and everyday.  There are so many lives changed because of this program and all of the TEAM members that make a difference in so many peoples lives.  There are too many to list and I don't want to accidently leave someone out.  This is so much more than just a workout, and people that are working out, we are a family that supports each other in our DDPYoga journey and in life.  As Dallas has said, and it is true... it is a "Lifestyle", it's up to us to commit to ourselves to "Own It".

And one more HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Sally and her team at the TravelSmiths.  They do so much to make the DDPYoga Retreat seem flawless.  The work they do so all we have to do is go and enjoy ourselves is amazing.  And they never stop even once we get there they are all working to make sure our only worry is having a good time and relax.  So THANK YOU for everything,

Until next years DDPYoga retreat, I'll be counting the days!

Don's 2014 DDPYoga Retreat docUjourney

DDPYoga 2014 retreat wrap up & thoughts from Don

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Better than You Were... with a Video Update

This one is inspired from my own morning bubbles after my DDPYoga...
From My FB status:
Our lives are not about impressing someone else, or being better than each other...What we need to remember is that we continually work on being better than we were, everyday. If we do that then we WILL leave an impression on someone else along the way.Live your Life, Believe in YOU, and most importantly "Own YOUR Life"
 Which inturn I do the same thing on Twitter (just in 140 characters)
Remember to continually work on being better than you were. That will leave an impression on someone along the way. w
So what am I rambling about this time.  Well, like most things it really isn't that complicated, we (me included) like to over think, over analyze, over complicate most things in our lives.  And we need to remember in life we are not trying to impress others... we need to focus on what we need to do and then the world around us will get better.  If we would pay more attention to what we are doing and stop making excuses then we could... "Be a Better Person".

Our health.  Sure there are somethings that will happen, sickness, injury, etc.  But if we take responsibility for what we are doing (or not doing) to ourselves, and then do something to correct it then we can become better than we were yesterday.  Again the choice is ours.  And to think "it's too late" well your still breathing so it's NEVER to late.  And remember.... "it's NOT about being skinny... IT IS about being HEALTHY!"

Our lives.  Everything is connected, if you start working on one side of your life then guess what, the rest will start to take shape as well, but again the choice is ours.

We are all given the same gift, "The gift of LIFE".  There are no guarantees that come with it, but there are responsibilities.  And we all need to live up to the life we have been given.

So it's up to you... DO or don't... there is NO try...

Every Moment, Every Day!
Have a GREAT Day!
