Monday, March 31, 2014

You CAN (and a Video blog)

So ok I have a video blog to go with this one as well.  But sometimes words for me come out better when I write, and I don't like trying to read what I wrote to the video.  So here is a lil add on to my video blog.

YOU CAN.  That is something I have to remind myself of everyday.  Sure I tell myself that "Today is going to be a GREAT DAY, but I also have to remind myself that YOU CAN.  I know that I am my biggest obstacle I will ever face.  And I know in my heart that I can do anything as long as I do the work.  Now that is not limited to my DDPYoga workouts but that is life in general.  There are many things on my to do list in my life that I will accomplish.  I just have to remember not to try and do them all at once.  Because when that attempt is made, typically nothing gets done.

So where does that take me and you?  Back to writing it down.  And writing it down in the computer doesn't count.  You have to see it every day so you know where you are going and know what it is that you are working towards. That is one reason I write on my mirror in my bathroom.  (Dry Erase markers are great for that!)  But I know I have to wipe it away and rewrite it so it sinks in.  Another thing that I am starting this month is a "Goals wall"  I will share that with ya'll later as it progresses, but I think that is going to be awesome for me to really push thru some of them.

Anyways I will keep the writing brief today since there is a video to go with this one.

Have a GREAT DAY and remember, take it "One Moment and One Day at a time and always know that...


Friday, March 28, 2014

CY goodness Soup

So I am no chef by any stretch of the word, that is what my brother does for a living.  I'm just a guy that likes to cook.  And that usually entails without a recipe, something I get from my Mom.  But that doesn't mean I don't look at them from time to time and as Dallas says... "make it your own".

I like to keep things simple.  You know quick and easy, without a lot of fuss and very little mess.  You've seen some of my smoothie concocktions.  I will set up a tab in here for the ones that I do document.  I'm a very visual person so a picture is worth a thousand words, but I am also a wordy person, thus the blog.  It's probably because of what I do with graphics and pictures.  10 years as a Navy Photographer will do that.

Anyways... Back to it.  Eating healthy is not difficult, we just like to think it is.  And eatin healthy is NOT expensive, that is a myth that needs to go away!  Sure I could have opened up a can of whatever, nuked it and ate it.  But what was in that 2 dollar can?  Do I really know what I just ate?  Do you know what half of that stuff is?  I know I don't, and I am pretty sure I don't want to Google each item and try to figure out what it is.  Sure I have eaten that stuff for years, just like a bunch of you have.  But this is another part of my journey, my lifestyle with DDPYoga.  Learning about what I am puttin into my body.  I know... get on with it already...

So yes I am a simple/single guy, I like to BBQ, and I like one pot meals.  That may be from Boy Scouts and the Navy, but it's efficient.

Anyways I have done this one several times before and I add and subtract stuff to it.  But this is the base recipe that I use.  If you want to add some GF noodles, maybe some meat or potatoes you can, I have in the past, and it is just as good.  But one thing I have found is don't be afraid to add something to it.  It's your creation, and YOU know what you are puttin in it, and remember.... "Make it your own, Have fun with it".

So here ya go... You can either follow the pictures or the recipe below, but remember you can always wing it!

  • 1 head of cabbage
  • *Sweet peppers (colorful ones)
  • *2 Onions
  • 4 Celery stalks
  • 4 Carrots 
  • 1 Garlic bulb (I like garlic)
  • 2 Apples (I used green today)
  • Cilantro
  • Peppercorns (wrapped in a paper towel)
  • Water about 2 quarts or enough to cover
*I personally did not like these items, well I didn't before I cleaned up my diet and stopped eating all the crap I use to.  Now I cook with them all the time.

OK here ya go...hold on cause this gets complicated <---sarcasm
  1. Onions, peppers, garlic all get chopped or crushed in the food processor then they get dumped in the pot on pretty high heat and simmer them down.  Probably about 5-8 minutes.
  2. While you are simmering that stuff above, get to choppin.
  3. Celery first, once you have that chopped up, in the pot it goes.
  4. Carrots are next.  Chop them up however you like, I like small circles, then in the pot they go.
  5. At this point you may want to add about a quart of water, or you can add some stock I usually keep some "Better than Bouillon" around and use that.  (and yes it is CF organic and GF)
  6. Then you need to chop up the cabbage.  Just chop it up and in the pot it goes
  7. My secret ingredient... apples.  Ya I know it may sound strange, but it works. Just chop them up into lil bits and in the pot they go, skin and all.
  8. Finally I take the peppercorns and pour them into a paper towel, twist it, wet it, twist some more and hang it inside the pot. 
  9. Top off with water and let it cook on medium heat for about 4-5 hours, stir it from time to time too.
  10. You can add whatever seasonings you like to it, just don't over do it.  I do NOT add any salt to mine. 
This will make a big pot of soup that will last several days.  You can let it cool and can it, or put it in zip lock bags and freeze it.

This is really good for you and tastes really good.

Oh and are you ready for this .... total cost is less than $10

Remember You are worth more than the crap that is in the cans at the grocery store!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This is what we do every day, "Adjust".  But what are we really doing if we don't have a plan.  I know whoa.... now what is he ranting about?  Not really a rant, just something's that I have to adjust in my life, just like we all have to do from time to time. 

Now I am talking about adapting, though we have to adapt to life events.  But we also have to be able to adjust as we move forward.  Remember there is no reverse in life, we are always moving forward.  Time keeps on moving, it is up to us what we do with it.

So what brought this on today?  Well we all have events and things in our lives that we either choose to accept, address or try to ignore.  But eventually everything will need to be addressed... it will catch up to you eventually. 

For me I know that I have to write things down, this way I can see where I am and where I am going.  I started making lists a while ago, not really understanding what I was doing.  But now I have a little better understanding.  Not saying I am an expert, because I am far from that.  Just a guy with a lot bubbling around in my head (and sometimes a bit too much).  Anyway, if you write it down you will have a "goal" to reach for.  I like to make what I call "Master Plans".  I have several of them, and they are always having to be adjusted, and that's OK.  You can think about an idea, but eventually something will take its place in your mind.  You know that thing we have heard Dallas say before... "ink it, don't just think it".  Well there is a lot to that.  But you have to be able to make adjustments to your plan from time to time, because life WILL change.

So here are a few Google definitions:
React:  verb
respond or behave in a particular way in response to something.

make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.

Adjust:  verb
alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.

Something they all have in common is they are all verb's, you know things that we do, things that "Take Action"  which means " To act; to act positively and decisively to resolve a problem".

So are we suppose to sit around and let our lives just happen?  Life is full of events for us to act upon.  But if we let one thing get in our way and stop us then we have given up.  We have taken an action by giving up.  We can never give up because life is all about "Taking Action", Reacting, Adapting, and Adjusting as we move forward, in a positively and decisively manor.

There will be moments that you may slow down a bit, and that is OK.  Just don't linger there, take a moment to "Breathe" and then refocus on where you are and keep moving forward.

Make a list today, a plan.  It doesn't have to be a life list.  Start slow and plan out your week, but make it achievable, so that you can accomplish it, and then move on from there.  Just don't be afraid to adjust, it is and will be OK.

Believe in YOU-Live your Life


 Live Each Moment 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


So here we go again... This one actually came to mind the other night after I watched "Fast N' Loud", you know the Gas MonkeyGarage show where they restore or make old cars new again.  You know they make them look all pretty and sparkly and they go faster and run better than they did when they were new.  You know after most of them have been forgotten about for years and neglected.  That's kinda what I'm doing (as you probably are too). 

So I  know you're thinkin he has lost his mind on this one.... but bear with me for a lil bit, I think I can tie this up and make it make sense.

Just like an old car that once was so pretty and ran great so many years ago, I too once was "so pretty and ran great".  But over the years I neglected myself and forgot to take care of ME.  Over the last 18 months I started the restoration process of ME with the tool box of DDPYoga.  It's just like fixin a car, it takes time and effort.  Those cars they fix on TV don't just happen in an hour, they take time, and then as they go they discover lil things that need more attention.  Every once in a while something gets in the way and they get off schedule and the timeline they had gets extended.  Another thing that show has in common with DDPYoga is that it takes a team to rebuild their cars, and that is where TEAMDDPYoga comes in to play.

So what does it take to make me and you all sparkly and new again?  You know so that we feel better, run better, live better?  Well you need to have a plan, you need the proper tools, and you need a team of people.  We will never be what we once were, but we can be better than we were.  It doesn't matter how old we are, some older models need a little bit more work and need a lil more time than the younger models (people).  But we all can be better, healthier, stronger.

What I have learned so far along my restoration process with my tool box of DDPYoga is that it is so much more than just a single tool in the toolbox.  It is a total tool kit.  Not just for my body but for my mind.  You have probably heard DDP say it before, you have to get your mind right.  And the more I work on ME the more my mind gets right.  I know that I have gotten of my schedule, but I have never just parked myself and said forget about it, I'm not worth it.  Life continues to happen all around us and we need to be able to use all the tools in the toolbox.  And yes I am going back to the 2 phrases, what I like to think is the base of the DDPYoga tool kit... "Live Life at 90%" and "Own Your Life".  Without those two I would have given up on ME a long time ago.  But there is one more key piece to the tool kit of DDPYoga...  And that is the TEAM, the support that comes with it.  Just like trying to rebuild that old car, not one person can do it on their own it takes a group of people, a team.  Everyone has different experiences, and someone may know a better way to get thru the rough edges.  But we all work together to make some amazing restorations.  Just look at all the "Sparkly" new models that have already been restored...

So no matter where you are at in your restoration process know that whatever you run into you CAN work it out.  You can become better than you once were and be all "Sparkly & New" again, it's just going to take a lil time and effort.  And know that you are not doing this by yourself.

Just like any of the workouts... "Check your ego at the door" and "make it your own".  Every life is different but we all have similar goals.  Know that there are no two restorations that will look the same because we are all different, but we are all the same.

Be Healthy, Happy,
and live a life you are proud of.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Where do our limits come from?  Yes I know I am starting this one off with a question.  But isn't that where limits begin?  They begin with us questioning our abilities and then that leads us in one of two directions... doubting or forward.

We all think we have limits, I know I have limited myself for many years.  There are those times I have pushed all limits aside and strived forward.  Now I haven't always done that and many rarely push their limits all the time.  It's a matter of knowing when to and when not to.  But not making excuses because you think it may be too hard, or impossible.  And not letting fear get in the way.  

OK... so let me back up a bit.  Who sets the limits on our lives?  Yep another question, but I think that is a good one.  It goes along with our potential.  We all have plenty of potential but we limit it ourselves.  We have no one to blame for not accomplishing what we want or need in life but ourselves.  Some may say they are limited by our environment or society.  But in reality we are the ones who place limits on ourselves with excuses and fears that we create in our own lives.

I have on my mirror many quotes, and sayings, but there are 4 that I say out loud every day,  as a reminder to myself that I CAN accomplish anything.  The biggest hurdle I have, like many of you is myself.

No Excuses
No Limits
Just Results
Today will be GREAT

We all can make an excuse for something, which turns into a limit, which then results into nothing.  But just imagine if we stopped all the excuses, then we wouldn't limit ourselves, and then imagine the results... A "Great Day"

Everyone thinks that they have an excuse for something and we like to justify that into a good reason.  But who are we really trying to justify it too?  Who would really care?  Does it matter?  Someone else can do it, it's not up to me and it's not my problem.

If all we do is sit around and wait for something to happen we have limited ourselves, and then in turn we are limiting others by our non action.  Every action has a reaction, and if everyone just sat around doing nothing, not pushing their own limits then no one would ever move forward.

So I challenge you to push your limits today and everyday in something.  Me I have to get out of my own way because I limit myself with excuses and try to justify them by things that I have let happen to me.  But my world, like yours is only limited by what we believe.  And if we believe and put in the effort ANYTHING is possible, we just have to stop putting limits on our potential.

Make today a GREAT day, and tomorrow even better.  Life will happen around us but we have to remember that life is only 10% what happens and 90% how we "React, Adapt, Take Action, and Breathe".  Yes you have heard this before from DDP, but it is up to you... 

YOU to believe it and live it.
Otherwise you have limited yourself.
Don't limit it, Live it....


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Video update March 5th

A short lil video update from the mat.

We all will stumble from time to time but that doesn't mean we give up, that just means we need to GET UP and keep moving forward.

Remember we fall so we learn how to get up, but we fail when we give up.

So wherever you are in life no matter what is going on GET UP and keep moving forward.

Monday, March 3, 2014

KPL Goodness

OK... Here is a quick one today, and a bit different than my normal bloggin.

Yes this is a recipe... First off you may recognize the ingredients if you happened to watch all of the Shark Tank episode that Diamond Dallas Page was on when he and Steve brought DDPYoga to the tank.  If not you can catch the episode over on abc-Shark Tank he is the third segment.

But I don't want to get side tracked, or give it away if somehow you haven't seen it.  I'll just say it worked out!

Anyways... I caught this lil recipe from one of the other people on the show and thought...uhmmm that's pretty easy, and I will give it a shot.

Well guess what, I did and WOW this is really good.  No water, just 3 ingredients.

I am calling it "KPL Goodness"

Before anyone asks... I will tell you how I made it, (it really is super simple!)


  • 1 Pineapple
  • 2 Limes
  • 1 bunch of Kale
Now you just peel the pineapple, the 2 limes (I quartered them to make them easier to peel).  Then I cut the ends off of the kale (you can either use half of the bunch or the whole bunch).

And then put it in your blender and blend it all smooth!  I had to blend it a bit and then add more as I made room.

And that is it.  No water, no nothing else.  Just a bunch of GOODNESS!!!

I store what I don't drink right away in glass jars, and I put them in the freezer so I don't loose any of the good stuff.  Then I pull one out the night before and put it in the fridge so it is ready for me in the mornin after I finish my DDPyoga workout.