Monday, March 17, 2014


Where do our limits come from?  Yes I know I am starting this one off with a question.  But isn't that where limits begin?  They begin with us questioning our abilities and then that leads us in one of two directions... doubting or forward.

We all think we have limits, I know I have limited myself for many years.  There are those times I have pushed all limits aside and strived forward.  Now I haven't always done that and many rarely push their limits all the time.  It's a matter of knowing when to and when not to.  But not making excuses because you think it may be too hard, or impossible.  And not letting fear get in the way.  

OK... so let me back up a bit.  Who sets the limits on our lives?  Yep another question, but I think that is a good one.  It goes along with our potential.  We all have plenty of potential but we limit it ourselves.  We have no one to blame for not accomplishing what we want or need in life but ourselves.  Some may say they are limited by our environment or society.  But in reality we are the ones who place limits on ourselves with excuses and fears that we create in our own lives.

I have on my mirror many quotes, and sayings, but there are 4 that I say out loud every day,  as a reminder to myself that I CAN accomplish anything.  The biggest hurdle I have, like many of you is myself.

No Excuses
No Limits
Just Results
Today will be GREAT

We all can make an excuse for something, which turns into a limit, which then results into nothing.  But just imagine if we stopped all the excuses, then we wouldn't limit ourselves, and then imagine the results... A "Great Day"

Everyone thinks that they have an excuse for something and we like to justify that into a good reason.  But who are we really trying to justify it too?  Who would really care?  Does it matter?  Someone else can do it, it's not up to me and it's not my problem.

If all we do is sit around and wait for something to happen we have limited ourselves, and then in turn we are limiting others by our non action.  Every action has a reaction, and if everyone just sat around doing nothing, not pushing their own limits then no one would ever move forward.

So I challenge you to push your limits today and everyday in something.  Me I have to get out of my own way because I limit myself with excuses and try to justify them by things that I have let happen to me.  But my world, like yours is only limited by what we believe.  And if we believe and put in the effort ANYTHING is possible, we just have to stop putting limits on our potential.

Make today a GREAT day, and tomorrow even better.  Life will happen around us but we have to remember that life is only 10% what happens and 90% how we "React, Adapt, Take Action, and Breathe".  Yes you have heard this before from DDP, but it is up to you... 

YOU to believe it and live it.
Otherwise you have limited yourself.
Don't limit it, Live it....


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