Saturday, May 31, 2014

Attitude & Commitment

SO here we go...

This one won't be a big written one since, yes another "Video Blog".  I know right, I am getting a lil more comfortable doing these... but not so comfortable that I forget where I am and who I am.  Anyways lets get on with it!

This one is in concluding of my "Diamond Month"... yep I did it.  I did take a rest day, kinda I did "Wake

Up" but my body was telling me it was time for a lil rest.  Especially since My Diamond cutter run actually started back on April 15th.  So I am proud of this lil accomplishment.  I made the commitment to myself and I accomplished it... now it's time for the next.  uhmmm I think June will be a "RED HOT" Month, yep RHC everyday with whatever the workout of the day is.

OK now on to this Bubble patch...We have heard it before what we tell ourselves is what we believe.  SO why not be positive towards ourselves.  Sure I know that there are things in life that try to tear us down, take us off of our desired path.  But we have to be able to reach back and remember to "Live Life at 90%".  Yep I am going to say it again, why because I believe it, and it works....

"Life is only 10 % what happens and 90% how we React, Adapt, Take Action, and Breathe".

The key to this is the Breathing, at least it is for me.  Why because it works.  You really have to stop and focus on your breathe before you do anything else.  Once you do that then you can move on to one of the other 3.  But remember Breathe, and then you will notice everything else will slow down a bit and you can assess whatever it is in front of you.

OK so I said I would keep this short.  SO you know what to do, as do I.  Now all we have to do is....

GO Get It.... LIFE

Have a GREAT DAY, and a BETTER tomorrow!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Sweet Potato Pancake experiment

So here is another one of my recipes...

Now before we get to the good one (when I finally figured it out) I will share the first attempt.  The one that I, well lets just say it didn't work out like I had originally planned.

BUT... Just like everything in life, there will be times when things just don't work out.  Are they failures?  I choose to think they are just lessons along the way.  The only failures we have are the attempts we never make.

OK.... I know get on with it already...

So here was the first go at it.  (Viewer beware, these are not "pretty pics")



So ok, I learned my lesson on this attempt. but this is what I did on the one above (on 5/17/14)...
I was trying to make a 3 ingredient baked sweet potato waffle or pancake.
  • Attempt #1 was baked sweet potato, coconut, and chia
  • Attempt #2 was baked sweet potato, Coconut, Chia, and I added an egg.
This was not good.  everything was falling apart, sticking, and separating, oh ya burning as well.   

Now did I let that stop me... come on you know better than that!

Thursday I baked 2 more sweet potato's, let them cool and then put them in glass containers and stored them in the fridge.  I also found out you can do this and they will keep for about 5 days so you have them to use when you need them.  
(Baking time is about 2.5 hours wrapped in foil at about 375)

OK Now on to the one that worked....

I simplified it even more, but this time I blended it in my Ninja, using the single serve cup.

This is what I did.... ready, cause I don't want to loose ya....
  • Pealed the sweet potato
  • put it in the Ninja cup
  • added 3 eggs
  • added 2 scoops of Chia seeds and about a tablespoon of cinnamon, and a dash of nutmeg.
  • Blended it...really good
  • Then I spooned it out onto the hot griddle.
(This made 9 medium -small pancakes)
That's it, on I flipped them too, about 2 minutes per side (depending on your griddle)

These are FANTASTIC.  For the seasons, that is totally up to you, I have a thing for cinnamon so that's why I use it.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


OK, before ya'll get all over me about this one.... It is not a "suck up" to Yoga Doc.  But this just happens to be a couple of things that have been bubbling up in me this week, and I have been traveling with work so I have not had the opportunity to get them written down.  So I decided to put them all together in one, and poof, they happened to spell out his name.

Now I may go back later and break them down a bit more but I needed to get this written down

So let's break this down.

C  Centered, R Respect, A Attitude, I Intensity, G Gratitude.

OK but before I do that I need to say this... A lot of what I have learned so far with DDPYoga are things that apply to everyday life.  Some of them (a lot of them) I already knew, but I was not applying them, or I was only "Half-assin" my way through them.  So not only have I been taking control of my life, "Owning My Life", I have found my way back to living my life.  Sure we have heard Dallas say that DDPYoga does not have the "spiritual stuff" that traditional yoga has.  But what I have learned (so far) is that there is a belief built in to DDPYoga.  You learn to believe in YOU again, and you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities again.  and then the "trickle-down effect" begins to happen.  You know one thing leads to another.  But remember it all has to start somewhere and with someone.  It has to begin with YOU.  Begin with you making the choice that this is your life and that you want it, you want to make it the BEST that it can possibly be.  Sure there will be bumps along the way, but anything we do in life will have bumps and detours.  It all comes back to YOU and your determination.  We all desire many things in life... but all that is, is wishing and wanting.  Nothing will come from that unless YOU (me) put in the effort, the work to get to where we want or need to be.

OK, so I got on a soap box there, but this is what is on my mind and if you have read my "bubbles" before you kinda expect that from time to time.  So let's go back to "C.R.A.I.G."

How do we find our center?  I know that is a tough one.  But if we write down our goals and begin to work towards them, Life has a way of centering us around that point.  But here again we cannot just expect it to happen we have to be doing something, moving in the right direction, which by the way is forward.
I know respect is a big word for some.  But this one begins with you as well.  YOU have to respect yourself first.  We have all heard that respect is earned, not given.  We need to respect who we are, respect the life we have and respect those that are in our lives.  Remember everything is connected.  Respect what you are doing, those that are in your life, and the life that you have.  Anything is possible but you cannot take life for granted.
This one is a big one for me.  How you choose to go about anything in life is based on this one.  If you go at anything in life with a "oh well" attitude, then you will get "oh well" results.  Whatever it is in life you HAVE to go in with the proper attitude.  It doesn't matter if it is family, work, your workout, whatever.  If you are going to begin something then you need to go in with the attitude that YOU are going to be the "Best______", and then you do your very best and then do a lil more.
What is intensity?   Is it drive, ambition, cockiness?  Is it strength, power, force?  My answer is YES.  Remember everything is connected.  Sometimes you need another level, another gear to go into.  When you dig deep for that extra lil bit of drive, determination this is where you will find your "intensity".  Be passionate about what you are doing, what you are working towards.  But be respectful of how you are coming off to others.  Attitude and Intensity go hand in hand with each other.  So always be the person that you would want to meet.
We all live a life that many don't, so no matter where you are in life we ALWAYS need to be thankful for our lives and for those that are in our lives.  In the same token we must be always ready to pass on the kindness that we receive.  Remember in life we can ALWAYS find something to be grateful for.  Don't forget to pass it on.

OK... Now that I have  been on my soap box and came back around to my "Bubble".   I have found myself more focused and determined when I have set a goal for myself.  Remember once you create your goal, you need to break it down into smaller "stepping stones" so that you keep moving forward.  BUT do not lose focus.  Sure you may take your eye off of it from time to time.  You have to remind yourself of where you are at and where you are going.

That's about it for this batch.... Safe travels on all of your journeys, and remember to live with a bit of C.R.A.I.G. every day.

And YES this was a total accident, when I moved the ideas around that is what they came to.  Sorry Doc!

Friday, May 2, 2014


So here I go again.... This one is to expand on a "Status/Tweet"... what it really is, is a bubble that came to me like they normally do.  Just like all the others that I toss out to the world every day, they are lil positive reminders to remind myself and to maybe help someone else along the way.

April 30th:
Life is not complicated, we complicate it. Believe in YOU, do what you should, lose self doubt, worry less care more #OwnYourLife w @DDPYoga

Life is not complicated, we are the ones who complicate it.
Believe in who you are, do what you should, lose self doubt, worry less and care more.
Make today YOUR day to move forward. #BreatheAndBelieve #OwnYourLife

I know we all like to do this, and I'm no exception.  We like to try and complicate many things in our lives.  I know that I am, or have been an offender of this.  And we have no limits to what we complicate.  from the easiest things to the things that just take a bit more work.  But the reality is Life really is not that complicated.  And anything we do in life isn't either.  It's us that create the complications.

OK I know, I know... "But it wasn't me", or "They are the ones who complicated it".  We can go on and on pointing the fingers at people, events, groups, reasons.  But If we do nothing then are we really fixing anything or just keeping the complication going?

Just like anything in life everything has to start somewhere.  How can we uncomplicate our life.  We have to simplify what we are doing.  Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and start with ourselves first.  NOW... I'm not saying that we stop caring and helping, but we need to start with what we can control and that starts from within first.  And I am not saying we toss out everything and just start over.  We have to begin from where we are at.  Life didn't "just happen".  It took steps to get us to where we are today, and it will take steps to get to where we want to be.  It is gonna take work, you know a lil effort.

So let's go to something specific, I've already written about this and you can read about it here..."Food - Don't over complicate it".  But I just wanted to break this down is a simple sense... Since I have been on this new life path with DDPYoga, and learning about the foods that I eat and there seems to be a lot in the news about this subject lately too.  SO here is my take, you may have heard this growing up too... "You are what you eat".  Well do you know what you are eating?  go to the pantry and pull out a can or a box of something.  take a peek at the label that shows the "Ingredients".  To keep things simple and "uncomplicated"  If it has more than 3 items listed and/or you have no idea what they are, do you really want to put that in your body?

Ok so let me get into our daily schedules... I know everyone is busy, and "we don't have time" for this or for that.  Well, why are we "so busy"?  We all have responsibilities, but we have to remember that we also have a responsibility to ourselves too.  If we are not taking care of us, then we are not taking care of our responsibilities efficiently.  What have you done for you, for your own well being, for your clarity?   It really doesn't take that much time.  I've been there, and I am no expert.  But I can wedge out at least 30 minutes to an hour for me.  And a lil secret, you will feel better once you do develop the habit, and everything else will become more productive.  Me I choose to do DDPYoga in the mornings, that's usually where my bubbles come from.  And if there is a morning that I don't, well that day is already started to get clustered, because I did not take the time for me.  You CAN make life less "Complicated".  Start Living, and leave the past where it is... in the past.

OK so let me see if I can wrap this one up....

If we really want to "uncomplicate" our life we need to do just a few things, then just keep moving forward...

Breathe and Believe... in yourself (first) and what you are doing.
Choose to "Own Your Life" and "Live Life at 90%"

And if you need a list that is outside the 10 commandments, or you're not a Scout and don't know the "Scout Oath or Law".  Well I am here to hook you up with one of my favorites...

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
1. Share everything.
2. Play fair.
3. Don't hit people.
4. Put things back where you found them.
6. Don't take things that aren't yours.
7. Say you're SORRY when you HURT somebody.
8. Wash your hands before you eat.
9. Flush.
10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
11. Live a balanced life - learn some and drink some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
12. Take a nap every afternoon.
13. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
14. Be aware of wonder.  Remember the little seed in the styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
15. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die.  So do we.
16. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.”
Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and sane living.
Think what a better world it would be if we all -- the whole world -- had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.
― Robert FulghumAll I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”
~Mark Twain