Saturday, April 26, 2014

Video Blog-Don from Mat-April

So today is a bit long in the video blog, so I will keep the writing short.

Believe in yourself and find your fire, your motivation.  No one can give it to you, it HAS to come from within.  I continue to move forward and so can you.
If you have been thinking about it means you need to do it.  So what are you waiting for?

Change will happen when you decide to make it happen!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Engage your life

So I have been streaking with my DDPYoga this month.  Now I am not here to toot any horns about it.  But something I have been noticing during this, what I am calling my Diamond month, has led me to some other observations.  Ya I know what else is new.

Anyway, I started this month out planning on doing Diamond Cutter every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  But somewhere along the way I changed my own schedule and choose to do DC every day.  Now this started on the 14th, again this is not a bragging blog it is what I chose to do.  But a thought came to me, a quote, I probably saw it on my timeline in a graphic.  But for some reason it kinda stuck this time;

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” - Bruce Lee

So that is what led me to where I'm at with my workouts.  I am also on my "Road to DDPYoga Retreat Extravaganza 2014".  But that is not what prompted this batch of bubbles.   You see we hear it all the time if you are doing DDPYoga... "Engage" we know that is key to the workouts and it really does work.  Every morning I feel stronger with my DC.  But then that got me thinking a bit more.  You see I have added a playlist to my workouts and a bit more attitude to them which has me "Engaging" more and I feel like I am getting stronger every day.  But what am I missing?  There is more to it. 

This is one of the side effects of DDPYoga.  It fits for every life, no matter where you are in it.  We have heard the phrase "Live Life at 90%", and "Own Your Life".  I know I toss them out on FB and Twitter, I learned them from DDP.  But something else I have learned, that may be intentional or may not be from Dallas was the "Engaging" part.  You see I know that I am guilty of this, I get a singular focus sometimes and toss myself into something 200%.  And not to say that is a bad thing, cause it's not.  But something else has to lose out.  See we are all to blame for this one from time to time.  We stop engaging in some part of life. 
Our lives are full of opportunities if only we took the time to engage in them.  Sometimes it's the little things that we just brush off that may not mean much to us, but to someone else it could mean the world to.  If we took a moment and engaged ourselves in life then maybe those little things could be some of our most treasured parts of our lives.

So the next time you "Hulk it up" or "Get Strong", make some noise.  And do this not just during your workout, but in your life too.  Get your blood pumping and "Breathe & Believe".  Life is not just one singular event but a compilation of everything all together.

So yet another lesson learned along my DDPYoga journey.  (Thanks Dallas)

Remember... Not only in your workouts but also in your everyday life...

"Have fun with it, Make it your own, and feel the BANG!"

Watch the video below.... THEN click here ---> Find your InnerDDPeace here

Monday, April 14, 2014

Waiting for Change

So no I am not talkin about change you get when you buy something.  This one is about you, me, our lives.   And I am just as guilty as I'm sure many of you are too.  There are parts of our lives we wait for it to change, or even wish for it to change.  Well there is a problem with that.  If all we are doing is waiting for something to happen or someone to do something for us, well we will stay right where we are and nothing will ever change.

Ya I know I tossed a little more at you right up front then I normally do.  So let's see where we go with this from here.

I know I have been, and sometimes I may still be, but I am working on it, " Waiting for change".  But one thing that I did take control over, you know something that I can do something about is me and my health and well being.  That all began not that long ago when I stumbled upon DDPYoga.   I won't go over how and all that as you can read about that here... "My Story and how I got to DDPYoga".  That was my very first blog entry from September 20th 2012.  My start date with DDPYoga was September 1, 2012.  That was the day that I choose to take my life back.  From that moment I stopped "Waiting for change". 

You see I was waiting for something in my life to change, you know if just one thing would change then maybe something else would.  Kinda like the domino effect (no not the pizza).  But before that date Sept 1st that is all I was doing was waiting.  Not taking charge of my life, not being accountable for what happened in my life.  Sure some parts of my life were moving right along, but I knew things could be better, and I knew I could be better.  My health was going in a downhill manor.  which in turn my self confidence was going way down.  Oh hell who am I trying to BS... my self confidence was crap.  But I knew how to keep up appearances.  You know put on a good face.  

Now I could blame different circumstances, or make an excuse, which I did a lot of before then.  but that day I stopped waiting and choose to take control, that day I chose to make a change was the beginning.  The beginning of the new me, getting back to who I was and developing the new me of who I will be.  I know I still have a ways to go.  BUT everyday, every workout I am getting better and stronger.   But something else that has happened along this journey is that I am regaining my confidence.  And that is because I am believing in myself and my abilities and I have chosen to "Own MY Life".  If you take the time to break down Diamond Dallas Page's "Live Life at 90%" speech.  You will realize there is so much more that we can do.  Now I have to admit I have not listened to it just once.  I have probably listened to it at least 25+ times over the last 19 months.  I have accepted that Life is only 10% what happens and 90% how we "React, Adapt, Take Action, and Breathe" and "Learning that Failure is not an option".  Now that is not to say I have not slipped from time to time over my journey (which is still and always will be continuing).  But when I did slip I did not sit back and wait for something to change.  I may have took some time to breathe, but I am still moving forward. 

So where am I today?  Where are you today?  For me I am moving forward, I have a plan, I am building my steps to get to where I am going.  I remind myself everyday that I CAN do this and I CAN make today a GREAT day.  It is a process.  For some it may come easier, for others it may take a bit more work.  But in the end it is all about the effort we are willing to put in.  Always know that YOU CAN.

One last thing for this batch of bubbles... DO NOT stress yourself out by comparing your progress or achievements to what others have done.  Everyone is different and as long as we are doing something positive to move ourselves forward we will get there.  Remember....

One Moment One Day
at a
Have a GREAT Day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


So this came to mind late last night, well after the time I should have already been asleep.  It's something we all take for granted, and something we never seem to have enough of, or can make room for.

Before I go into my bubbles, what is time?: (Definition from Google)
1.  the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
2.  a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.
1.  plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done.
2.  measure the time taken by (a process or activity, or a person doing it).

So OK now that we know what the actual definition is, though I'm pretty sure most knew what is was and most of us waste quite a bit of it, I know I have over my lifetime.

We like to use the word "time" as an excuse for too many things in our lives.  You know you do, because I do too.  But what we need to do is to make the "time" for those people and things that are really important.  I know I have been to blame for this, as many others have too.  "Oh I don't have "time" to work out in the morning".  Or...  "Where did the "time" go?"  I could go on with the excuses, because we have all made them.  What we have to remember is that we can make the time for what is important in our lives.  If we don't use that time wisely then we all will run out of it eventually.

Without "time" nothing would ever change.  We all know everything changes over time.  But it is up to us to make the most of the "time" that we do have and do whatever we can to make a difference in this world.  We all want to change something from our past, but we also know we can't.  BUT we all can do something with the time in front of us to make a change, make a difference.  And yep you guessed it... it all comes back to you. 

So how are you going to spend your time?  Is anything accomplished by complaining about everything that is wrong?  Or sitting around wasting time over a relationship that did not work out?  What about wishing that you felt better, but not doing anything to make you feel better.  If we (me included) spent a lil less time worrying about what we didn't do and focused more on what we can do, then those things that we thought we couldn't do would become things that we did do.

Time is a blessing that we all have, but that time we have is only guaranteed for right now, this moment.  So instead of worrying  about what time we don't have we need to focus on the time that we do.  Make the time in your life for the things that can make a difference, not only in your life but in the lives around you.  Remember to take some time for you.  For your health, both mental and physical.  The time you spend on you may increase the time you have to spend with those that you love.

So how much time can you spare in a day for your health?  It doesn't take that much time to make a difference.  I do a lil or a lot everyday with DDPYoga, and I know there was a time that I would make the excuse, I'm too busy.   In reality it is only a very small fraction of my day.

- Wake up - 10:00
- Red Hot Core - 12:00
- Energy - 21:45
- Fat Burner - 24:37
- Below the Belt: 28:46
- Stand Up! 30:16
- Mix Tape: 34:54
- Hip/back/knee opener (on Extreme Psycho DVD 2): 38:00
- Strengthbuilder: 38:11
- Diamond Cutter: 50:18
- Extreme Psycho: 60 minutes
- Double Black Diamond: 1:05:52

Remember we all get the same amount of "Time" everyday.  Live your life, the life that you are meant to live.  Don't rush it, everything will happen when it should as long as you are putting in the effort and the "time".
"Own Your Life"
"Always Believe"
and never...
"Never Give Up"

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Good enough

So where do you take words like that?  Who is to say who is "Good enough"?  We all have that question posed to us from time to time.  But the one person that can stop us from being "Good Enough" is ourselves.

Sure some things may come easier for some, and others have to work a bit harder for it.  But no matter what "it" is everyone is "Good enough".  We just need to be able to get out of our own way.  We all have those things that we question, those moments in our lives that make us unsure if we are "Good enough".  But those are the moments that we MUST dig deeper and work that much harder and prove, not to anyone else but to ourselves, that we are "Good enough".

What is that thing in your life that you question, you know that thing you are not sure that you have "it" to be able to take "it" to the next level?  Life is full of moments that will challenge us.  They will only defeat us or stop us if we choose to let them.  We all CAN achieve greatness, we all CAN do whatever it is that we choose in life.  We are all "Good enough".

Sure I  have questioned myself in life, we all do.  But we need to remind ourselves that we CAN give ourselves permission to accomplish what we set out to accomplish.  Will we fall, sure, but as long as we keep going we will prove to ourselves that we are "Good enough". 

Don't ever let someone tell you that you are not "Good enough"... more importantly do not EVER tell yourself that you can't, that you are not "Good enough", because YOU ARE, we all are.

Ok so this may sound a bit like a locker-room pep talk, but this is something that we all need to remind ourselves from time to time, myself included (this is just part of the way I remind myself).

So believe:  YOU CAN

Know that:  YOU WILL

No matter what:  NEVER GIVE UP