Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why DDPYoga??

I wanted to share a question I got from a friend as to why I was sharing DDPYoga, and "what is making the program work for you?"  This program has opened my eyes, and I am finally "Owning My Life"  and now "Living Life at 90%"

Message from a friend:
Why are you sending this to me?!?!?! Lol I don't know if I am ready for all that yet, but I was pleasantly surprised by the cost! No where near what I thought it would be. Regardless, you have already inspired me. Last week I quit drinking diet cokes (I drank 4-5 a DAY!!) and have started paying more attention to what I eat. I have pretty much cut out the sweets altogether and quit going back for seconds after serving myself smaller portions too. I don't weigh myself and haven't noticed a difference in the way my clothing fits yet, but it's all a step in the right way. 
Can you tell me a little more about what is making the program work for you?

My reply:
I sent it out to My Friends, not all the FB friends, but just the people that I consider real.  And I wish I would have found it sooner, it is working for me and I wanted to share it.
I researched it for about a month.  I checked it out and checked the DDPYoga FB page and read what everyone was writing and I started sending out messages to a variety of people that posted on there to find out more.  And everything I heard was super positive and amazing.  I had gotten to the point where I needed to do something because I was unhappy with "me", and I was either going to try again with a gym membership or possibly go to the doctors.

But the more I learned about this the more I thought, if all these other people are doing it, there is no reason why I couldn't do it.

So I started 47 days ago, and I feel better than I have in a VERY long time, I have lost 32.2 lbs in 47 days, but I am pushing very hard.  I am doing 2 workouts a day (one in the morning & one in the evening).  I've changed the way I eat and what I eat as I have learned more about what I have been putting into my body.  I am currently 100% dairy & gluten free.  The best part is that it is ZERO impact, and you make the workouts your own.  I currently and unable to do all the moves, but I modify them, and I get better every time I do them.

The other part of it is the support in Team DDPYoga, and the different FB groups.  I have meet others that are doing it, and we all support each other.  The variety of people that are doing this is amazing, 70+year olds, family's, singles, athletes, and mostly regular people.  People looking for weight loss, or more flexibility, or as an added tool for their workout routine.

It's not the fluffy "Yoga" this is DDPYoga. And I actually look forward to doing it everyday! I am holding myself accountable writing down my goals, and documenting my workouts. I can always make them more challenging, cause as Dallas says "there is always some where to take it to the next level".

But the biggest thing is the people and now I want to do this everyday, because I know where I am going, because I can see where I'm going!

From (about DDP Yoga):
"DDP Yoga is not traditional yoga, it’s a hybrid workout that incorporates some traditional yoga movements and adds dynamic resistance, active breathing techniques and power movements to make for a more challenging and results oriented workout. The main benefits are body fat loss, lean muscle growth, and improved cardio levels all without placing undue stress on the joints. A valid comparison to yoga is they both provide increased flexibility and core strengthening. It is currently used by professional football players, professional as well as amateur wrestlers, MMA fighters, and regular everyday people who want to perform at optimum levels and want to place themselves in the best position to see career and life changing results and improve their quality of life. DDP Yoga is the evolution of what was formerly the YRG Fitness System, which is best know for what many say is the most dramatic transformation in the health and fitness industry:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Positive movement

I have been asked (again) why I post what I post in FB. My goal each day is to put out something positive, as there is enough negative in the world already. 

And since I have started DDPYOGA, that carries the same message that I have been doing for the last couple of years. But I truly believe in the message that Ceo Founder Ddp Yoga is doing, as I am getting results, and I want to share that with a
s many people as I can. 

If just one "post" that I put out helps just one person, then I am doing my part to "Pass it on". The DDPYoga community (DDPYoga - Challenges and Accountability & is a positive, encouraging group, so it is much more that just some DVD or workout program. Everyday I feel better about myself, and have found something that I can "Own" and make myself a better person, and I feel good about what I am doing and where I am going.

So I will continue with my positive messages on a daily basis, and continue sharing DDPYoga. The only thing I get in return from sharing DDPYoga is knowing that maybe I have helped someone find something that I wish I would have found much sooner than I did.

Have a great day, "Own your Life", and "Make it Your own"! 

I am and things are changing for me everyday!