Saturday, September 28, 2013

Building a Foundation

It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, how old/young you are, how much you weigh, what shape you are in or how much money you have. The only things that really matters is that you;

Believe in You & have a good heart.

If you believe then others will believe, not just by you words or actions but by your heart.
Anything is possible if you are willing to believe that you CAN.

Everything has a foundation, faith, family, friends... 

We are constantly building on our life foundation, and sure there may be a crack in it but as long as we build it strong it can and will withstand anything.   I know what you might be thinking, but what if my foundation is crumbling, or it isn't built on solid ground.  It is NEVER too late to fix it.  Sure maybe the structure that we have built on it may come apart from time to time and we need to rebuild, but that is OK, you are not starting over, as long as you have a good foundation.

Our lives are what we make of them.  The richest of people to the guy on the side of the road with a sign, we all have something to be grateful for and we all can do more, but doing more doesn't mean having more. 

Oh I know, what are you rambling about with this and how in the world does this have anything to do with DDPYoga and your journey.  Well it is part of me rebuilding.  I have a good foundation in my life, it is just the structure that I have built on top of that over the years that is a bit askew.  See everything is interconnected, my foundation is there, and it is part of who I am, all the good and all the bad.  I cannot nor would even attempt to rip it apart, because it is part of me.  But I am strengthening my foundation so that I can build a better structure on it and thankfully I stumbled upon DDPYoga which has led me to so many others.

The little things we do everyday count, and the things we don't do count just as much, sometimes more.  Making good choices and decisions can change your course, and change your structure.  But in the end it all depends on YOU.   

We are the ones building our lives, so Live your life, accept where YOU are, if you don't like something then make a change and build the life that you want.  No one is going to build it for you, but there are plenty of tools to choose from so pick your tools and get to work.

Living your Life at 90% will make a difference and can change your view.  But this is just another tool that you have to decide to pick up and use.

"React, Adapt, Take Action and Breathe"

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