Saturday, January 26, 2013

AN AMAZING Day at the Ultimate Workshop!

OK, so, yes I have been quiet was anything but a quiet day!
TODAY was simply AMAZING!!! Spent the day with the creators of DDPYOGA and a bunch of DDPYoga Peeps, and did I say how AMAZING today was, I guess I did! 
Spent time working side by side with Arthur D. BoormanDiamond Dallas Page, The Yoga Doc, and LOTS of AMAZING people! 
NOW. If you have ANY doubts if this works I am here to tell you...YOU NEED to do this. it will work if YOU are willing to work. And we worked today, but the difference in what I was doing today vs the first time I worked out with DDP in Nashville back in Sept was AMAZING.
If I can do it, then there is no reason for you not to do it! I still have a ways to go, but I am "OWNING MY LIFE" and you can too, you just have to want it.
The people are amazing, I already knew this. But DDPYoga is more than another workout program, it is an extended family.
Now if you haven't signed up for the next workshop, YOU NEED too! I will be back in March, and cannot wait!
I cannot really express the gratitude for today to Dallas, and everyone involved, but today was AMAZING, and if ya'll thought I was pumped up about DDPYoga before, you ain't seen nothin yet!
I am working towards my destination.... "DESTINATION ME" and then on to my other Destinations!!
And before I forget... THANK YOU Dallas, Arthur, Linda, Kimmi,Louie, Steve, Brandy, and I am sure I forgot some... BUT THANK YOU!!! What an amazing day!

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