Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why do you do what you do...

So this is something we must ask ourselves, but seldom do.   I know I am just as guilty as the next person.  But again here I go with my thinking too much.

So why do you do whatever it is you are doing?  There are so many things that we do every day it can seem to get a bit overwhelming, if you stop and think about everything that you do.  We know that everything leads to something and everything we do affects something else. 

If we break down the bigger things then sometimes that provides the answers to the other things.  Ya I know it may seem that I am going round and round here, but I will get to where I think I am going with all this.

So I am no doctor or anything like that I am just a guy that has a lot on his mind, and is moving in a direction to where I think I need to be.  Whether that is where I will end up is yet to be seen. 

OK back to the question...

Why do you...
         · Eat             · Work
          · Exercise     · Write
          · Love           · Play
          · Drink          · ETC...

I could go try and go thru each of these but there are many others I am sure of that, but these are just a few that came to mind at this moment.  And I'm not here to analyze each one of them, it's just something for us to think about concerning our own lives.  But there is one common answer to all of them...  For YOU.  We do these things for one reason or another, or we justify them to ourselves for some reason, which may be true or not.  But the bottom line, I think, is that we are doing them to try and feel good about something, ourselves.  I believe that if we feel good about ourselves then that can rub off on those around us.  Remember everything and everyone has an effect on something and someone.  But we have to identify the why's to know where we are going, and what we expect to accomplish.

So here is a little look into my "Why's"

I use to Eat because I was bored, Now I eat real food because I want to be active.  I use to exercise many years ago because I had to, it was part of my job, then I stopped because I didn't think I had time.  Now I do DDPYoga because I enjoy it and I feel good after I do.  I feel like this one needs a bit more, since I began my DDPYoga journey I feel more alive, and it is so much more than just a workout, but the people and the support you get from those who are part of it.    Love, I know that I am loved, and I have loved, and I will again,  but sometimes we forget that and we need a reminder.  Drink, that is something some use as a crutch, again to make us think we feel good, me I am more like a water fountain these days, but I found that I feel better when I am hydrated with the right stuff, water.  I still enjoy a "beverage" from time to time, but it is not out of boredom.  Work, I am always at work, but the work I do is not just part of my job, "Work" is now part of me.  I have learned that "Work" is something that I will always be doing, working on me.  Write, well for me it is a release, I write to remind myself of where I am and where I am going and want to be.  Play, we all need to play and have fun we get busy and stop playing once we grow up, because we "don't have time", that is probably when we need it the most.

So why do I do what I do... I do for me, for my future, for my today, for the people in my life that I love today, tomorrow,  and in the past.  But I am looking forward to the many new chapters of my life that have yet to be written.

Just remember everything you do there is a why, and there will be an effect so choose what you do with a purpose.

Why.... because YOU are worth it.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The road ahead...

So I over think things sometimes I know this and I am OK with it.  But something I have learned this past year is to focus more on the here and now and the road ahead rather than the road I've been on.

This goes in line with DDP's Live life at 90%.  "Focus on the positive, acknowledge the negative".  There is NOTHING that can be done about what you have done in the past or what has happened.  But you can learn from your past and use those things to make a better future.

Oh I need to point out something first before I go on with this...

This is my blog, and a part of the journey that I am on, working towards "Destination Me" with DDPYoga.  Now if you are reading this you are not a follower in this journey.  I consider you a part of my journey. I am not looking to see how many clicks I can get or any of that.  We are all in this together.  What is this?  This is Life.  Not a competition, but a journey to help each other along.  So if any of (what I like to call it) "Stuff from my head", helps you then cool.  If you disagree with it, that's cool too.

OK then back to where I was going (though I may veer off again without warning).

We have all had "Bumps in the road of life", and we have managed to get thru them.  Typically there are no signs to mark them out for us, but sometimes there are things that we ignore that were there to warn us of trouble coming.  Occasionally we are running down a path and we need to change course a bit.  But that is all part of it.  There will always be an obstacle to work thru or around.  As long as we know where we are going and have the discipline we will get there.

Oh but what happens when we lose that "discipline"?  Well we have to pick ourselves back up and start again.  But never just say "I can't", We CAN do many things and usually we are our worst enemies.  We can talk ourselves out of anything.  You may have those in your life that don't want to see you succeed because they may be jealous of what you are accomplishing.   It is up to you to recognize that and know where you are going. 

Make your own map and figure out where you've been, where you are, and where you plan on going.  Will it change, most likely, will it be easy, nope, will it be worth it?  As long as you are doing it for the right reasons and you believe.  But more importantly you have to believe in YOU.

We all have this idea of where we are and where we thought we would be at one point or another.  I have and I even have some of them written down.  Can I check them all off, nope.  Am I overly worried about any of it, nope.  Because instead of looking at what I have yet to accomplish I can look at what I have.  (See I did bring this back around to the beginning.) 

So make your list, your map, whatever, but write it down, and write down the extra things that happen along the way too.  You will be surprised when you see your path and your accomplishments.  BUT again don't dwell on what you've done cause then you may miss out on the things yet to come.  Keep looking forward, keep moving forward.

What you do today WILL change what you can do tomorrow.  So be sure to make today count.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Belt

No fancy or indepth words for this blog entry.  

Just adding another "Notch" in my Championship belt.

Always working towards "Destination Me"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choices, Accept, Destiny

My Journey is not unlike many others.  I am just a regular person just like many of ya'll. 
Sometimes I have stumbled, other times I push myself beyond where I even knew I could go.  It is something that I have to concentrate on every day.  I know where I am going and I know where I have been.

DDPYoga is my vehicle that I use.  I am still working at Owning my life.  Why, well because I am worth it, as you are.   No one can do more for yourself than you.  But it depends on you.  
I came to a point where I knew I had to make a change and like a light in the distance DDPyoga popped into my life like a beacon.

Now it won't magically change your life, but if you get in and make the choice, it can be a vehicle to help you get to where you want to be.  And one change can affect so many other parts of your life.  DDPyoga has opened my world up to things that I would have never imagined, and shining lights in other parts of my life that I once considered closed.

I am working on my life, but I am where I am because of the choices that I have made in the past.   I know this and I have come to accept it.  I cannot blame anyone or anything for where I am.  But I can change my destiny, which changes with everything I do each day.

1. The act of choosing; selection.
2. The power, right, or liberty to choose; option.
3. One that is chosen.
4. A number or variety from which to choose: a wide choice of styles and colors.
5. The best or most preferable part.
6. Care in choosing.
7. An alternative.

We have to make a choice every day.  Some have effects on how our day will go, others may not effect anything that we see immediately.  But they all have an effect on some part of our life.
When you make the "Choice" to change your life the only thing left to do is to develop your plan and initiate it.  No one else can do this except you.
You can do anything, but you have to make the choice and commit to where you want to go.

1. to take or receive (something offered)
2. to give an affirmative reply to to accept an invitation
3. to take on the responsibilities, duties, etc., of he accepted office
4. to tolerate or accommodate oneself to
5. to consider as true or believe in (a philosophy, theory, etc.) I cannot accept your argument
6. (may take a clause as object) to be willing to grant or believe you must accept that he lied
7. to receive with approval or admit, as into a community, group, etc.
8. (Business / Commerce) Commerce to agree to pay (a bill, draft, shipping document, etc.), esp by signing
9. to receive as adequate, satisfactory, or valid
10. to receive, take, or hold (something applied, inserted, etc.)

We have to be able to accept where we are in life.  That doesn't mean we have to stay there, but we have to accept and take responsibility for why we are where we are.  Good or Bad, we are the ones that got us to where we are.  And once we accept that then we can begin to move forward.
I know that my choices over time have led me to where I am, and I can change where I am going, and I have accepted that, it is my responsibility to myself. 
Now that is not to say that everything in my life is bad, I am blessed in more ways than I can count, and I accept those.  But I know that I can do better and be a better person.

1. the future destined for a person or thing; fate; fortune; lot
2. the predetermined or inevitable course of events
3. (Philosophy) the ultimate power or agency that predetermines the course of events

My destiny is up to what I do today.  I can choose where I will end up by the actions I take today.  Sure we all have a beginning and an end, but it is up us what we do with the middle.  Right now I am where I am suppose to be.  But every day the choices that I make will alter where I will be tomorrow. 
I know that discipline not desire will determine my destiny.  What my future holds is dependent on what I do today. 

If I want to be the person that I know I can be then I will get there.  But that is a choice that I have made, and I have accepted that choice because my destiny is what I make of it.  That is something that is changing with everything I do each day.

One Moment One Day at a time I am OWNING MY life

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who am I...

We all ask that of ourselves at one time or another.  Sometimes we define ourselves by what we do.  Other times we are told who we are or who we should be. 

We are who we are, we are not defined by what we have or what we don't.  But by what is in our hearts.  But if we keep our hearts locked up then no one will ever know who we are. 

You have to care about yourself before you could expect anyone else to care about you.  Now I know, how are we suppose to do that if we are surrounded by the negativity of the world.  It is a choice we have to make, a choice to be a change, not only in your lil world but the world around you.  You see everything has to start somewhere.  Why not start from within.  Don't wait for someone else to do something that may affect your life.  We need to take action in our own lives if we expect something to change.  One step in a new direction could start a chain reaction in your life that could surprise you.

Our past  doesn't define who we will be, every day we change a bit.  It is what we do with each day that counts.  Uhmm... this goes back to something I learned just a short 11 months ago when I started DDPYoga.... "Live Life at 90%".  I know I have said it a lot over the last 11 months, but it has helped me thru more times than I can count.

So who am I?

Am I the boy I was growing up in Ohio, oldest of 4, playing baseball, growing up in Scouting?  Am I the teenager living in Texas, learning to drive, continuing in Scouts, Marching with the band going to church camps, the kid who got his first job at Kroger and pushed his way to where he wanted to be.  Am I the young man who left home and joined the Navy at 18 to see the world?  Am I that sailor that worked to do the best that I could, driven to be the best he could be?  Am I the man that works to get somewhere still striving to be the best at what he does?  Am I a guy that let his health get away from him because he was too busy trying to do what he could for a career?  Am I the guy that finally said enough is enough and took a leap of faith on a program (DDPYoga, created by a wrestler, DDP, that I use to watch on TV) to make a change in his life, and decided to take ownership of his life?

You see I am just a guy, a son, a brother, a uncle, a friend, a guy on a journey.  My journey may be similar or it may be completely different than yours.  But in the end we are all on Life's Journey.  No two are the same and our paths may be going in completely different directions, but they do cross from time to time.  But we need to be able to give ourselves permission to heal, learning to accept mistakes made in our past and cherish the accomplishments we have made.  Thus giving ourselves the opportunity for joy, health, healing and harmony in our lives.

So who am I? 

Well there is no definition for that just yet, my journey continues every day, and I will continue to work on being the best I can be.  Will I stumble along the way, sure we all do.  But I will pick myself up and continue to move forward.  Am I alone on this journey, NO.  We are never alone, though sometime it may seem that way, there are always people that are there to lend support, if you are willing to reach out when you need a hand.  The past is our history, and my past good or bad will not define who I am, as I will continue to work on that everyday.  I have a plan, and I have destinations of where I plan on going, but the only way for any of us to get to where we want to go is to put in the work, the work of Owning Our Lives.

Believe in what you are doing, have a plan of where you want to be, and put that plan in action. 

Who knows where you will end up and who you might be in the end. 

It's up to you and what you do.