Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why do you do what you do...

So this is something we must ask ourselves, but seldom do.   I know I am just as guilty as the next person.  But again here I go with my thinking too much.

So why do you do whatever it is you are doing?  There are so many things that we do every day it can seem to get a bit overwhelming, if you stop and think about everything that you do.  We know that everything leads to something and everything we do affects something else. 

If we break down the bigger things then sometimes that provides the answers to the other things.  Ya I know it may seem that I am going round and round here, but I will get to where I think I am going with all this.

So I am no doctor or anything like that I am just a guy that has a lot on his mind, and is moving in a direction to where I think I need to be.  Whether that is where I will end up is yet to be seen. 

OK back to the question...

Why do you...
         · Eat             · Work
          · Exercise     · Write
          · Love           · Play
          · Drink          · ETC...

I could go try and go thru each of these but there are many others I am sure of that, but these are just a few that came to mind at this moment.  And I'm not here to analyze each one of them, it's just something for us to think about concerning our own lives.  But there is one common answer to all of them...  For YOU.  We do these things for one reason or another, or we justify them to ourselves for some reason, which may be true or not.  But the bottom line, I think, is that we are doing them to try and feel good about something, ourselves.  I believe that if we feel good about ourselves then that can rub off on those around us.  Remember everything and everyone has an effect on something and someone.  But we have to identify the why's to know where we are going, and what we expect to accomplish.

So here is a little look into my "Why's"

I use to Eat because I was bored, Now I eat real food because I want to be active.  I use to exercise many years ago because I had to, it was part of my job, then I stopped because I didn't think I had time.  Now I do DDPYoga because I enjoy it and I feel good after I do.  I feel like this one needs a bit more, since I began my DDPYoga journey I feel more alive, and it is so much more than just a workout, but the people and the support you get from those who are part of it.    Love, I know that I am loved, and I have loved, and I will again,  but sometimes we forget that and we need a reminder.  Drink, that is something some use as a crutch, again to make us think we feel good, me I am more like a water fountain these days, but I found that I feel better when I am hydrated with the right stuff, water.  I still enjoy a "beverage" from time to time, but it is not out of boredom.  Work, I am always at work, but the work I do is not just part of my job, "Work" is now part of me.  I have learned that "Work" is something that I will always be doing, working on me.  Write, well for me it is a release, I write to remind myself of where I am and where I am going and want to be.  Play, we all need to play and have fun we get busy and stop playing once we grow up, because we "don't have time", that is probably when we need it the most.

So why do I do what I do... I do for me, for my future, for my today, for the people in my life that I love today, tomorrow,  and in the past.  But I am looking forward to the many new chapters of my life that have yet to be written.

Just remember everything you do there is a why, and there will be an effect so choose what you do with a purpose.

Why.... because YOU are worth it.

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