Tuesday, September 17, 2013


OK so this has been stirring in my head, and it has been bothering me.  We all have choices to make, and we all have reflections, I may have mentioned some of this before.  But this one will go where ever it needs or wants to go. 

Everyday we have a choice to make, and our choices have consequences no matter how minute they may seem.  I have made some choices in my past, and I have spent some time reflecting on them.  But something I have come to the conclusion of is that if you spend too much time reflecting on the past you will miss the opportunities that are in front of you.  And that leads me back to choices...

We make the choice to reflect on our past accomplishments and mistakes.  As long as we have learned something from our past we are not destined to relive those mistakes.  OK wait, I don't like the word "mistake", let's call them missteps.  Because everything has a reason to get us to where we are suppose to be, and though it may not be on the "path" we want, it is on the path we chose.  See now I am back over to the path thing.  See everything is interconnected in some way or another.

So let me break this down in steps and see if it all comes together again in the end...


Our choices led us in a direction.  We have to be willing to live with every choice we make.  Some may not seem like they would have that much of an effect on anything, but somehow, someway they always end up being part of something bigger.  You know the little things in life sometimes have the greatest impact on our lives.  And then the choices we think are going to be the end all of choices, sometimes when we look back they really weren't that important.  Now I'm not saying one carries more weight than the other, but they all have an impact in our lives.  We just need to recognize that some of our choices can lead us in one direction rather than another... Choose wisely


OK so let me go to the obvious one with this.  What do you see when you look at a reflection?  The same thing, no change just a mirror image of what is there.  That's kinda the same thing we see when we reflect back at something or some time in our life.  There is nothing that can be done about the things or events that happened in the past.  But we can learn from our past.  We can see what worked and what didn't.  But just like the reflection in the mirror, that is just what you are seeing, a view of what is there right there and now.  Can you change what you are looking at right now?  No because at that moment in time that is what you see.  BUT you can always change the reflection you will see in the future.  Remember if you spend too much time looking in the mirror (or rearview mirror) you will miss the opportunities that are right in front of you.

So now we work our way back to our path.  If we don't like the path we are on we CAN change it.  But that is a choice we have to make. We need to be looking forward so we know where we are going and know the path we plan on taking to get there.  We have all traveled many different paths in our lives, some have taken us right where we wanted to be, and some took us to places we never thought we would be.  But we are where we are right here and now because of those choices we made. 

It's never too late to get to where you want to go, just know that you will always end up where you are suppose to be.  Me well, right now I am where I am suppose to be, am I where I thought I would be, no.  Am I where I want to be, not yet.  But I have a plan, and I have my path laid out.  Will I get off track, probably, but That's ok, I may stumble, hell I may even fall from time to time, But that's ok, because I know I can, have and will continue to "Get Back Up Again". 

Just like you I have made choices that led me down my path, I have spent to much time reflecting, But I have put the mirrors away and I am looking forward to MY Life, one that is Owned by my choices and not lived with regrets from my past.

So if you have made it this far in my rambling today, THANKS!  You are part of my life, whether we have met or not, you are part of my past, and part of my future. 

Where we go is unwritten but I know I made a choice just over a year ago that has changed my life.  Where it will take me is unknown at this point, but I know one thing, DDPYoga is a choice I would make all over again, my only regret is that it took me so long to find it.  But I will not regret that, because it came across my path just at the right time.

So no matter where you are OWN YOUR LIFE, own the choices you made and keep movin forward.  Your life will be what YOU make of it.  As a friend has said (DDP)... "Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you React, Adapt, Take action, and Breathe". 

Have a GREAT day ... Today & Tomorrow  

1 comment:

  1. Great ramblings Don. I have a mirror that I take to events to promote the disability program I work in. On it I write "Do you see your own potential" - that's what we should see in our reflection now - our potential. And when we reflect on the past we should not dwell on our missteps, but rather the potential we had then that we used to move forward, and the potential we may not have seen, but is still waiting to be grasped. Its great to be on this journey with people like you.
