Saturday, December 21, 2013

Want VS Need

 Ya I know timing is everything and this time of year there are many "wants" and there are many "needs".  The difference between the two is figuring out which is which.

So here is my lil spin on it and I may stay on track, and knowing me I may go way off track, but I always seem to tie it up with a bow.

So where do I start...uhmm... Some things kinda fall into both categories, want/need.  We all Want good health, we all need good health.  But it depends on what we are willing to do to get it.  Now some are dealt cards that they have to deal with to get to where they want to be, and it may take a bit more effort for them to get there.  But they deal with what they have and keep moving forward.  Now there are others, (yes I was one of these people (key word "was")) that will want it but will never do anything about it, or should I say make an attempt but do so without a plan.  Or (this one I love) think there is some magic in a bottle that will make everything better. 

Reality Check.... We get what we put into life.  There is no magic pill.

Yep that was me...but I did find what I needed and it wasn't in a bottle and there was no magic pill.  But something I did not expect to find along the way was me again.  Who would ever thing that life on a yoga matt instructed by a former 3 time World heavyweight Champion wrestler-DDP whose catchphrase is "Feel the BANG", doing not yoga, but DDPYoga one could find what they need and want.  BUT for it to all work the matt needs to be rolled out with you on it.

Ok before I go to deep with this I will keep it in this realm.  We all know what we have, what we want, and what we need.  And we all know that each of us could do a lil bit more to help out others with what they need. 

(warning hard left turn)

SO.... food this holiday season. Ya I'm going there.  Now I am no dietician, and no where even close to a partial expert so I will not preach what is right and what is bad.  We all know that, and if you don't you need to take a look at what you are really eating.  It ain't the stuff Grandma and Grandpa use to fix.  Sure there is going to be some stuff that we "knibble" on that may not be the best for us.  For those that are living a modified eating plan, weather it is GF or dairy free, or whatever.  If you do "induldge" remember it is NOT the end of the world.  You will not spontaneously combust.  Just enjoy it and keep moving forward.  Remember what we "Want VS Need", just something to think about as you are enjoying the holidays.  Remember you didn't get to where you are over night.

I would challenge EVERYONE to write down their "wants" and their "needs" before the end of the year, and then see which one is more valuable come this time next year.

I could go on, and on and on.  But I will simply close it out here.  We all know where we need to be and we all know where we want to be.  The trick is knowing the difference and doing something about it.

Don't wait for something to happen, don't wait for tomorrow to begin.  We have this moment right now to do something, we never know what tomorrow may bring.  

SO make your choice and live your life... 

See told ya I would end it with a bow!
Have a Great Holiday... Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all the rest!
Remember at the end of the day be HAPPY!
Have a great day, Today & Tomorrow

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