Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What are you afraid of?

That is a question we all have to ask ourselves.  I know I do.  This one starting brewing inside of me this week as I started to clear the clutter I had let build up over the last year.  But in reality after I really started thinking about it, it has been building for many years.

So ok back to the question...

What is it that we are afraid of?  Are we afraid of failure, getting hurt, success?

This is gonna be applicable to everything.  Not just DDPYoga, but life in general.  Sure a lot of my thoughts are inspired from DDPYoga, but I've had this over thinking thing going on for a long time.  In the last year I have just began figuring out where it all fits.  So let's get on with it...

Sure we all have a fear of failure, as we have more than likely failed at doing something one time or another.  BUT what did we do after we failed?  Did you just give up or did you try again and keep working at it until you succeeded?  Failure is something we learn over time, but if you just give up then it is a failure.  Remember the lil phrase we have all heard... "It's not how many times we get knocked down but how many times we get back up that counts".  Failure is how we learn, how we get better.  Most of us don't remember learning how to walk, but we all fell down when we first started, but with practice we learned how and we got stronger.  That alone should show you that you can do anything.  The only failures we have in life are the ones that we choose to give up on.

Getting hurt
So ya, we are going to get hurt from time to time, whether it is physically or emotionally, it is going to happen.  But here again is where we need to learn from it.  What did we do, what did we not do.  We cannot point fingers and try to blame someone else, or some situation.  We were involved so we need to take ownership of the situation and move forward.  Think of it as another lesson in life.  Brush yourself off and move forward.  I know some hurts take time, trust me just like you I have been there to, we all have.  These are part of our life experiences.  It is up to us if we will let them define who we are.  We can either let them fester inside or we can use them and do something positive with that hurt.  But we cannot be afraid of getting hurt.  Remember (yes I am gonna quote this one again too...) "Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we... React, Adapt, Take Action, and Breathe" -DDP.

Yep I am going to this one.  Some of us are afraid of success.  Now I know your thinking... WHAT?  Let me explain and maybe it might apply to you and sure I have been guilty of this one too.  We may start something and we are doing well at it.  Then we get nervous about the attention and we sabotage ourselves.  Everything we do there is always something we can do to make it better, do a lil more.  We are meant to be successful.  It is up to us to find our path in what we are meant to do.  But we cannot limit ourselves and that is where we trip ourselves up as we are moving along our life path.  We get going and then we notice that we are moving ahead of the pack and we choose to slow down.  Or here is another one, and I know I am guilty of this one.  We get complacent, others start seeing that you are doing well and having success in whatever it is you are doing.  Then you (me included) listen to much to what others are saying and you slow down or you just stop.  You feel good about what you have done.  But are you done?  Have you completed what you set out to accomplish?  Probably not, remember life does not have a finish line.  Well ya I know it does but once you reach that point you are done.  But until that day comes we have plenty to accomplish.  Plenty we can be successful at.

So time for me to but a bow on this one.  Life is full of challenges, we cannot go through life being afraid of what might or might not happen.  We are the ones who will create the fear in our lives.  It is up to us to make the choice to Own Our Lives.

Remember everything is connected in life.  Health & Fitness (mental and physical), family, love, work, etc... 

It's up to us to get out of our own way and accomplish great things.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Having a vision

Sometimes we can see where we are going and there are times we have no clue where we are going.  Being able to have a vision and know where we are going is key.

So let me explain where this might go today.  We all have dreams and those are fine, I am not saying to stop dreaming.  But for those dreams to become a reality we need to be able to see the end result.  Sure things may not work out the way we envision, but that's ok.  Our vision got us further than if we just sat back and watched.

Nothing happens without action.  And action without a result insight, well that's just be an accident or a waste of time.  Remember when we were kids, we had dreams, and we lived with no fear.  We believed we could do anything, and we would try just about anything.  And now that we are grown we let fear in and cloud our vision.  I know we have "responsibilities", but our biggest responsibility we have is to ourselves.  Because if we are not taking care of ourselves, then we are letting those around us down, and no one wants to do that.

Everything we do comes with a cost and a consequence.  It is up to us to weigh them, to decide is it worth it.  We have to be able to see ourselves at the end to make it there.  But to make it there we have to have a plan.  And where does that plan start?  It has to start with you.  We need to be able to see ourselves there in that spot.   Whatever that spot is, if you can see it YOU can make it happen.
What visions do you see for yourself?  Where do you want to go?  What is it that you want to do?  Those are questions only you can answer and YOU are the only one that either make them happen or leave them as dreams. 

We all have "Hopes and Dreams", we all have the ability to make them happen.  But we have to have the vision, the commitment to ourselves to make them a reality.

Are you going to wait for life to just happen or are you going to make it happen?  The choice is yours, life can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it.  But the results will be what you make it.

You only get one

 See yourself living it and make it happen

Friday, January 24, 2014

Prove it to?

So everyone is out to prove something.  But many don't really know who they are trying to "Prove it to".
Who are you trying to impress?  A better question is why?

So here we go, well this is where I am going and you are welcome to come along this lil journey today...

Everyone seems to have something to prove, something that you want to show the world that you can do or that you can accomplish.  But we don't have anything to prove to anyone.  Ya I know some will differ with me, and that's OK.  We have to know why we are doing something for it to be effective.  We need to believe in our hearts that what we are doing we are doing for the right reason, and we need to know where we are going with it.  But most importantly we need, no we MUST believe that we can do it.  Not to prove anyone else right or wrong, but to prove to ourselves that we CAN.  If you don't believe that you can then you will never convince anyone else. 

What we tell ourselves, and what we think is what we will become.  If we constantly tell ourselves that we "can't", well then we never will.  So how will you change that?  You need to prove to yourself that you CAN.  You have to believe that you can, and you need to do it.  What is it?  Well that's up to you.  But you need to be able to see where you are going, where you want to get to.  Whether that is financially, emotionally, physically, it doesn't matter.  It is up to you to prove it to yourself first.  But you have to believe, you have to be able to see where you are going, you have to have a plan.

There are many accomplishments by others but they are not watching others do great things, they are DOING.  Are they busy worrying about what others are doing or saying?  Are they worried about trying to "Prove it" to others?  Probably not, they have set a goal for themselves and they are proving to themselves that they CAN.

YOU are the most important person to prove something to.  Look in the mirror who do you see?  The only one person that is looking back at you is you.  Prove it to yourself first, then the world will see what you have done.  But remember your life is yours and yours alone.  We cannot expect anything from anyone, but we should expect everything from ourselves.  We are the ones that make the decisions in our lives that can change our life every day.

Whatever it is that you are doing, do it to prove it to yourself first, then others will see what you have done. 

Remember you are the one, the one that CAN.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Your path

So ok we know that I just came back from the DDPYoga workshop this past weekend.  And ya'll know how I feel about the workshops, yes they are awesome.  BUT... It's a good time to toss out a reminder for others, and myself.

Photo Courtesy of the awesome skills of Mr David Orth

I know there are some out there that think oh I would love to do a workshop but I'm just not ready, or I don't think I could keep up.

For those folks that think that... STOP!  Why do I say that, well because it is not a competition.  DDPYoga is not a competition, everyone is on their own journey.  We are all there to support each other.   That is what TEAM DDPYoga is all about.  The amazing support that is the backbone of DDPYoga.  Some may lean on it, some may ignore it and try to go it alone.  But it is the FAMILY of DDPYoga, the TEAM that makes it so different than anything else you will ever do.  It's not just about your journey, but at its core is the essence of "Pay it forward".  Helping others that may be at a point that you have been or are at.

This  workshop, just as all the others I have attended, there are always new folks there and there are veterans.  But everyone there is very supportive.  Until you experience and see it for yourself you will not understand.  Someone mentioned that they get overwhelmed by the out pouring of support they got when they first joined but they weren't sure if it was real.  Well until you look behind the clear curtain and see what you thought you saw was there , then you will know it really is real.  But just like life you will get out what you put in.  Your path will be what you make it.  Life is so much more enjoyable and you will get so much farther if you're not trying to walk it alone.

Then there are those who think well I'm not as far along as so and so, so I don't measure up.

Again I say STOP!  Sure there are some amazing successes out there, people who have done tremendous work on their path.  BUT that was their path, not yours.  Remember no two paths are ever the same.  Sure they may have some similar bumps and triumphs.  But each one is different. 

Your life is yours.  It is made up of a collection of events and actions.  The moment you STOP comparing and start living is when you will free yourself to your life.  Sure we are all brought up competing on some level, but we lose sight of the difference of the game and life.  What are you really comparing?  Typically we are comparing our worst to someone else's best.  And what we see is what we assume is perfect, and we all know what the word assume translates to...

If you are busy comparing your life to someone else's then you are doing nothing but wasting energy focusing on others, which could be better spent on your own life.

We all have a path to take and though they may seem similar they are all unique.  We have choices along our path, and it is up to us to choose which choices we will make along the way .  Right or wrong they are ours to choose and thus we have to learn to live with the consequences, good, bad, or indifferent.  But we also have the opportunity to make corrections along our path. 

  • Keep your head up (so you can see where you are going).
  • Never quit, Never Give up.
  • Pay attention to YOUR Life
  • Know that no matter what you CAN as long as you are willing to put forth the effort.
  • Nothing ever happened all at once, everything takes time.
  • When you do fall, because you will (I do), GET UP and keep going.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ultimate Workshop Recap

Yes I have recorded a video blog.  So bear with me this is a lil recap after getting back from the DDPYoga Ultimate Workshop.

Bottom line get to a workshop if you haven't.  And if you have you know what I'm talking about, and you need to get back to one, because it will give you that extra spark or kick you may need.

Just as Dallas says he is not going to kick your ass, that is up to you.

Friday, January 17, 2014

What is "It"

That is a loaded question all by itself. 

What we need to figure out for ourselves is what the "It" is that we want, need, working towards.  Everyone wants "It", but does anyone really know what "It" is that they want. 

I know it may sound like I'm talking in riddles, but bear with me this should end up where "it" should be.

So how do we figure out what "it" is?  Is it something someone else has, is it some desire that we have, is it something that we need, is it something we think we want or think we need?  Or (and here is the key) is "It" something that we have planned out and have a plan on how to get "It".

The world is full of "It", and no I'm not talking about crap, though there is plenty of that.  I could list a million different "it's", but the majority of them are just a bunch of crap.

What we need to do is take a little time, stop and write down what "it" is that we want, need, desire.  And then we need to make a plan on how we are going to get "it".  Yep I am talkin about writing stuff down again.  Why because "It" is important.  If you take just a moment and look around you, really just look around you right now and look at the things around you.  There was most likely a written plan to make most things you are looking at.  (Except of course if you are out in the woods and looking around at nature and the sky.)

So once you have your plan for "It" then you can begin to do something about "It".  Now it doesn't matter what your "It" is, you CAN accomplish "It" if you are willing to put in the effort and the work.  YES I said work.  Everything in life takes some sort of effort and work.  When was the last time you saw something just happen?  We can sit back and wish and want, but then nothing will ever happen.  Well I take that back, something will happen but more than likely not what we want or need.

We can want a bunch of "it", but if we aren't willing to put in the time then "it" will never become a reality.  So what is your "it".  Good health,  fitness, wealth, happiness, success, etc.  No one can tell you what your "it" is except for you.  And no one can make "it" happen for you unless you are willing to do something about "it".

We have all seen the examples of how others did "It".   But "it" did not just happen they put in the work, they did something to make "it" happen.  They developed a plan, no matter how big or how small they made steps towards their goal.  And yes they held themselves accountable.   We know we are our biggest critic, but we are also our biggest obstacle.   If we make a plan and write "it" down then, maybe we might get to "it".  Again it all comes back to you and what you want your life to be. 

Life will never be perfect and there will be bumps along the way.  But as long as we are constantly working at making "it" the best we can then everything else will fall into place.

So I will repeat this again, why because "it" is relevant to Life, everyday life.  And "it" fits this one as well.

     S pecific
 chievable goals
 eep it Going

 o it
 wn it
 rite it
 ever Quit

Whatever "it" is, YOU can do it, everything is connected and one thing leads to another. 
So why not start with the beginning...YOU  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Who Knows...

So where am I going to day?  Not sure but this will take me somewhere. 

We all have an idea of where we want to go, but many rarely get there because we leave it to chance, you know what happens then, nothin.  So who knows what they really want, who knows where they will end up, who knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.  I could go on and on, but I won't you get the drift.  There are those who wonder, and dream, and hope.  And then there are those who make a plan, do it, achieve it.  But who knows why some do and some don't. 

Well.... I think I have an idea...

OK sure there are some folks that are naturally gifted in something, there are some that are "lucky".  But those aren't the ones "Who Know".  No, the ones that do know are the ones who make a plan, have a course of action, you know they write it down and make it happen.

I've rambled about it before, but this one is a bit different.   You are the only one "Who Knows" what is in your heart, what it is that you want, what you need.  But there are times that we let life events cover up what we know.  And sometimes those events will pile on and then all we are doing is moving thru life all covered up with layers and layers of "stuff".  We lose sight of what we know, and where we are going.  How can you see where you are going if all your doing is looking at what has happened?

The events that have happened are just that, they have already happened there is NOTHING you, me or anyone can do about the things that have happened.  The one thing we can do is learn from our past and work at not repeating the same mistakes.  Remember the lil phrase...

"Life is 10 % what happens and 90% how we...
React, Adapt, Take Action and Breathe"-DDP

We need to keep looking forward, and while we are looking we need to keep moving.  But we need to have a plan of where we are going, you know so then WE KNOW.  Then if we have a plan on where we are going and we have a plan on how we are going to get there, we then stand a better chance at getting there.

So whatever it is you want make a plan, write it down.  Not just in the computer or in a notebook, but write it down so you are looking at it EVERYDAY, so you have a reminder of what you are working towards, then map out how you are going to get there.

So if you are working on your health with DDPYoga (or something else), your life path,  your relationships, your finances, whatever.  Write it down so you know where you are and then YOU will KNOW who you are and where you are going.



It all starts and ends with YOU

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Me from the Mat

Yes here is a lil Video Blog from me... I will make the attempt to do this more often in a series I will call "Don from the Matt".  Words seem to flow better from my fingers sometimes rather than out of my mouth, but I'm sure it will get better the more I do it.
So today turned into a mega day, it wasn't planned, but it was needed.  I flipped on the football game and then hit the mat.  Spent 2 hours and 20 minutes on the matt working, and at least another 30 minutes just working on my breathing.  The workout plan was WU & Diamond Cutter, after I finished that I wanted and needed more, so I did Diamond Cutter again.
I know this is not my normal blog entry but it is what it is.  
Have an AMAZING week!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Overload today...

So if you follow the stuff that bubbles from my head you know I "try" to put something positive out every day.  Most of the time it's just stuff that is on my mind and reminders for myself.  But it is my way to release a lil positivity out to the world with all the negative crap that floats around us every day.  I would say 98% of the time it is not directed at any one individual.  And if you think it's about you or applies to your life well then take it for what it is, just "bubbles from my head".   Very rarely will I quote someone and if it sounds like a quote then that's an accident, it's just something that resonated with me and I thought it would be a good reminder.

So yes a lot of what I spew out is DDPYoga related, but if you read them they are applicable to everyday life, whether it's health related, family, kindness, faith, beliefs, or just simply being a good, or better person.  Something I have learned so far on this journey that I am on with DDPYoga, is that everything is related and it all starts with how we think.  Everything leads us to something and if we are not working towards something and just sitting back complaining about the world around us then we will never get anywhere.  If we are just sitting around waiting for the world to come to us, well we all know that will never happen.  To succeed in anything you have to make an effort. 

So this morning my brain went into overload.  Not sure if it was because of my DDPYoga workout this morning, or if my brain clicked into a different gear, or because I listened to Dallas's "Own Your Life" audio again.  But something clicked.

I know I have been in a bit of a rut for a while, and I am really good at "keeping up appearances".  My life just hasn't been running full speed since the summer.  Now I'm not making any excuses, I will not do that, because I know that life happens, and I know that life is only 10% what happens and 90% how we "React, Adapt, Take Action & Breathe".  I know I have been doing a lot of breathing, and I know that my reaction to certain life events is to close ranks, and I have a history to adapt by shutting down, and well the action is to fake it as much as possible.   This morning there was something different, I had more effort more desire, determination in my workout.  But like I said something "clicked" today. 

I never stopped, I never quit, my effort was just bogged down.  I feel like I have jumped up and tossed the blanket off that has been weighing me down off.

So I am not one to hold these "Bubbles" or "Random thoughts" so here ya go... some may sound familiar and some you may think I'm off my rocker.  But that's ok, because as one of my DDPYoga teammates (Chad) calls me "Donny Ballgame", well it's time, time to get back in the game, time to be the full time player giving 110%, time to take it back to that level.  Not just with my DDPYoga, but with my life as well.

Ø  Have a vision without sight, life will try to distract you if you let it.
Ø  Your actions will earn you more respect than your words.
Ø  Life begins with how you think.  If you Think you can, you will.
Ø  Open your mind, believe in your heart, and your body will follow.
Ø  You may be the best person in the world, but if you don't share your gifts to help others, than it doesn't matter.
Ø  "Look for the Positive in everything & be patient." -DDP
Ø  Respect isn't something you get, find or buy, Respect is earned.
Ø  To succeed at anything in life you have to make an effort.
Ø  The only secret to happiness in life begins with you believing in YOU
Ø  Your reality isn't really real until you open your eyes and see you.