Friday, January 17, 2014

What is "It"

That is a loaded question all by itself. 

What we need to figure out for ourselves is what the "It" is that we want, need, working towards.  Everyone wants "It", but does anyone really know what "It" is that they want. 

I know it may sound like I'm talking in riddles, but bear with me this should end up where "it" should be.

So how do we figure out what "it" is?  Is it something someone else has, is it some desire that we have, is it something that we need, is it something we think we want or think we need?  Or (and here is the key) is "It" something that we have planned out and have a plan on how to get "It".

The world is full of "It", and no I'm not talking about crap, though there is plenty of that.  I could list a million different "it's", but the majority of them are just a bunch of crap.

What we need to do is take a little time, stop and write down what "it" is that we want, need, desire.  And then we need to make a plan on how we are going to get "it".  Yep I am talkin about writing stuff down again.  Why because "It" is important.  If you take just a moment and look around you, really just look around you right now and look at the things around you.  There was most likely a written plan to make most things you are looking at.  (Except of course if you are out in the woods and looking around at nature and the sky.)

So once you have your plan for "It" then you can begin to do something about "It".  Now it doesn't matter what your "It" is, you CAN accomplish "It" if you are willing to put in the effort and the work.  YES I said work.  Everything in life takes some sort of effort and work.  When was the last time you saw something just happen?  We can sit back and wish and want, but then nothing will ever happen.  Well I take that back, something will happen but more than likely not what we want or need.

We can want a bunch of "it", but if we aren't willing to put in the time then "it" will never become a reality.  So what is your "it".  Good health,  fitness, wealth, happiness, success, etc.  No one can tell you what your "it" is except for you.  And no one can make "it" happen for you unless you are willing to do something about "it".

We have all seen the examples of how others did "It".   But "it" did not just happen they put in the work, they did something to make "it" happen.  They developed a plan, no matter how big or how small they made steps towards their goal.  And yes they held themselves accountable.   We know we are our biggest critic, but we are also our biggest obstacle.   If we make a plan and write "it" down then, maybe we might get to "it".  Again it all comes back to you and what you want your life to be. 

Life will never be perfect and there will be bumps along the way.  But as long as we are constantly working at making "it" the best we can then everything else will fall into place.

So I will repeat this again, why because "it" is relevant to Life, everyday life.  And "it" fits this one as well.

     S pecific
 chievable goals
 eep it Going

 o it
 wn it
 rite it
 ever Quit

Whatever "it" is, YOU can do it, everything is connected and one thing leads to another. 
So why not start with the beginning...YOU  

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