Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What are you afraid of?

That is a question we all have to ask ourselves.  I know I do.  This one starting brewing inside of me this week as I started to clear the clutter I had let build up over the last year.  But in reality after I really started thinking about it, it has been building for many years.

So ok back to the question...

What is it that we are afraid of?  Are we afraid of failure, getting hurt, success?

This is gonna be applicable to everything.  Not just DDPYoga, but life in general.  Sure a lot of my thoughts are inspired from DDPYoga, but I've had this over thinking thing going on for a long time.  In the last year I have just began figuring out where it all fits.  So let's get on with it...

Sure we all have a fear of failure, as we have more than likely failed at doing something one time or another.  BUT what did we do after we failed?  Did you just give up or did you try again and keep working at it until you succeeded?  Failure is something we learn over time, but if you just give up then it is a failure.  Remember the lil phrase we have all heard... "It's not how many times we get knocked down but how many times we get back up that counts".  Failure is how we learn, how we get better.  Most of us don't remember learning how to walk, but we all fell down when we first started, but with practice we learned how and we got stronger.  That alone should show you that you can do anything.  The only failures we have in life are the ones that we choose to give up on.

Getting hurt
So ya, we are going to get hurt from time to time, whether it is physically or emotionally, it is going to happen.  But here again is where we need to learn from it.  What did we do, what did we not do.  We cannot point fingers and try to blame someone else, or some situation.  We were involved so we need to take ownership of the situation and move forward.  Think of it as another lesson in life.  Brush yourself off and move forward.  I know some hurts take time, trust me just like you I have been there to, we all have.  These are part of our life experiences.  It is up to us if we will let them define who we are.  We can either let them fester inside or we can use them and do something positive with that hurt.  But we cannot be afraid of getting hurt.  Remember (yes I am gonna quote this one again too...) "Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we... React, Adapt, Take Action, and Breathe" -DDP.

Yep I am going to this one.  Some of us are afraid of success.  Now I know your thinking... WHAT?  Let me explain and maybe it might apply to you and sure I have been guilty of this one too.  We may start something and we are doing well at it.  Then we get nervous about the attention and we sabotage ourselves.  Everything we do there is always something we can do to make it better, do a lil more.  We are meant to be successful.  It is up to us to find our path in what we are meant to do.  But we cannot limit ourselves and that is where we trip ourselves up as we are moving along our life path.  We get going and then we notice that we are moving ahead of the pack and we choose to slow down.  Or here is another one, and I know I am guilty of this one.  We get complacent, others start seeing that you are doing well and having success in whatever it is you are doing.  Then you (me included) listen to much to what others are saying and you slow down or you just stop.  You feel good about what you have done.  But are you done?  Have you completed what you set out to accomplish?  Probably not, remember life does not have a finish line.  Well ya I know it does but once you reach that point you are done.  But until that day comes we have plenty to accomplish.  Plenty we can be successful at.

So time for me to but a bow on this one.  Life is full of challenges, we cannot go through life being afraid of what might or might not happen.  We are the ones who will create the fear in our lives.  It is up to us to make the choice to Own Our Lives.

Remember everything is connected in life.  Health & Fitness (mental and physical), family, love, work, etc... 

It's up to us to get out of our own way and accomplish great things.

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