Wednesday, February 26, 2014


So here we go... Sometimes we spend way too much time looking back at yesterday, and worrying about tomorrow that we miss out on Today.

How we start the day and end each day will lead us to tomorrow, or a new Today.  But what we do during our day is sometimes lost because we are to worried about the past.  Something we all need to really work on is to leave the past where it is.  Sure there are lessons we can learn from the past, but if all we are doing is focusing on the yesterdays we will never see what our Today has to offer. 


Sure we need to look towards the future but we have to be able to see what is in front of us today.  If we aren't so wrapped up looking at yesterday, we end up looking past what is right in front of us today.  Then all we end up doing is planning for tomorrow (which isn't a bad thing) that we never really appreciate what we have today.  And I'm just as guilty of this.  Making plans and having ideas for the future, but never doing anything today to make those plans happen.  We all have these grand ideas but who really makes them happen.  The ones that do are working towards them every day.  And I am willing to bet that they have been written down and mapped out with a plan to get there.  Something has to be done every day to have progress move forward.

Now how does this all tie into DDPYoga, and life in general.  It's like everything else in life, remember everything is connected.  Sure we have all made mistakes in our past, and like Jake says... "My history is not my destiny".  So no matter what has happened in our past don't let that weigh you down and stop you from moving forward and living TODAY.  I know that I have had to re-teach myself that and sure I have to remind myself on some things from time to time.  Since I started DDPYoga I have been changing my life every day.  and the better I feel the better everything else is around me.  Nothing in life is ever perfect, and sure my DDPYoga is not 100% modification free, but with everyday that I do it, I "Make it my own" and I get better and do less modifications.  We have heard Arthurs' quote... "I may not be able to do it today, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to do it tomorrow".  Well you can apply that to anything in life.  We have all made mistakes in our past.  It doesn't have to define who we are today and what we are working towards for our future. 

We need to look at what we are doing Today so that we can have a better tomorrow.

So... Know where you are Today, remember where you've been, and don't overlook today by looking too far in the future.  You have right now to make a change, what you do TODAY will affect your tomorrow, but will do nothing for your past. 

Remember Live your Life, "One Moment One Day" at a time, be kind to yourself, be kind to the people you come across, and never....NEVER GIVE UP! 

It's YOUR life and you CAN make it what you want it to be.  It's up to you to choose to...



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