Monday, March 3, 2014

KPL Goodness

OK... Here is a quick one today, and a bit different than my normal bloggin.

Yes this is a recipe... First off you may recognize the ingredients if you happened to watch all of the Shark Tank episode that Diamond Dallas Page was on when he and Steve brought DDPYoga to the tank.  If not you can catch the episode over on abc-Shark Tank he is the third segment.

But I don't want to get side tracked, or give it away if somehow you haven't seen it.  I'll just say it worked out!

Anyways... I caught this lil recipe from one of the other people on the show and thought...uhmmm that's pretty easy, and I will give it a shot.

Well guess what, I did and WOW this is really good.  No water, just 3 ingredients.

I am calling it "KPL Goodness"

Before anyone asks... I will tell you how I made it, (it really is super simple!)


  • 1 Pineapple
  • 2 Limes
  • 1 bunch of Kale
Now you just peel the pineapple, the 2 limes (I quartered them to make them easier to peel).  Then I cut the ends off of the kale (you can either use half of the bunch or the whole bunch).

And then put it in your blender and blend it all smooth!  I had to blend it a bit and then add more as I made room.

And that is it.  No water, no nothing else.  Just a bunch of GOODNESS!!!

I store what I don't drink right away in glass jars, and I put them in the freezer so I don't loose any of the good stuff.  Then I pull one out the night before and put it in the fridge so it is ready for me in the mornin after I finish my DDPyoga workout.


  1. This looks awesome! Thanks for the inspiration.. I'm going to make some this week for after my DDP workout too! :-)

    1. Thanks Kelly, It is really good. The only thing I will try next time is I will add a lil fresh mint to it. But I have been enjoying it this week.

  2. I've been juicing with kale lately. How does it hold up out of the freezer? Do you have to re-blend at all?

    1. Nope no reblending needed, just shake and drink. If you want the "fluffyness" back into the smoothie then you can reblend it. When I blend for a week I freeze.
      I will freeze too when I juice, it helps preserve the nutrients.
